1. Sibling Seduction

    Date: 2/17/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byAchtungNight

    ... clit while she squeezed his length. They leaned into each other, stroking feverishly. Simon was kissing her neck, then her tits, suckling on her nipples alternately. She was grinning, kissing the top of his head.
    It would not take him long to get off doing this if she wasn't his sister, Simon reflected. Yet the fact that she was bothered him enough for him to hold back. Lily was also a woman slow to arousal, the slowest he'd ever seen. Perhaps that was what had ruined things between her and Levi. Well, I can handle her, he reflected. I am a patient man, and I will give Lily what she needs, like I do with all my women. Especially with her, the first one I've been with whom I love this much. Yes...
    They moaned together in chorus, masturbating each other feverishly. Lily sang a long chorus of moans. She was indeed slow to arousal, but once she decided to do something, she did not stop. Not till she had what she wanted, all the way. And she wanted her brother, had for a long time. She cuddled with him now, exchanging caresses. His mouth was on her tits, his eyes closed and then opem, staring at her. Then he was moving up his head towards hers. Lily accepted his kiss, loving the way his thin beard tickled her skin. His fingers thrust into her. His cock quivered in her palm. She squeezed it, flicking her thumb over the head. She wanted him inside her, but not for his first orgasm. That had been a mistake she'd made with Levi, taking him in her too fast. If she had held ...
    ... off, encouraged him further, maybe she could have motivated him to be more into her. No, she would not think about that now. She was never going to be with that pathetic jerk again!
    The man she was with now was more supportive of her needs, more responsive. They leaned into each other, spooning and caressing. Then Lily was straddling him, his cock rubbing both their bellies while his fingers worked her cunt. They were moaning in chorus, his hands on her breasts and thighs. She flung her head back, cried out as he hit a certain spot in her that set her off immediately. Levi had never had the patience or ability to locate that spot. She stroked Simon faster and faster in her fervent joy that he had found it. She did not mind when in seconds, he erupted in her fingers. The cum flew strong, landing on her tits and her face.
    Simon gasped in the aftermath, staring at Lily covered in his semen. He had not been thinking about the implications of what he was doing for a long time, just got caught up in the moment, let himself go. And now...
    Lily calmed down from her long orgasm, smiled at her brother. She gathered his semen with her hands, rubbed most of it into her skin. She brought a good portion to her mouth also, sucked on it and swallowed it down. Nice, she reflected. I could definitely taste more of this stuff. She smiled at Simon, extending her tongue and squeezing his arm that still had fingers in her cunt.
    Simon pulled his fingers out of her, shivered. "We... we ...