Sibling Seduction
Date: 2/17/2024,
Author: byAchtungNight
Codes- M-solo, incest, reluc, F-solo, exhib, voy, MF.
Intro- This story is fictional and meant for mature open minds. It contains graphic adult behavior. All characters are age 18 or older at the time of their sexual activity and depicted explicit thoughts- they were academically redshirted their first year of school, if it matters to suspend disbelief.
This is connected to many of my previous works, but none are required reading unless you wish to spend more time in my fictional universe. If you need specific direction to connected stories, please drop me a line.
I personally consider the laws against consensual adult incest to be unjust, and this story reflects that view. I hope most if not all my readers will share this opinion. I am into same generation incest (siblings or cousins) only, by the way.
Please do not read this story if you do not think you will enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, feedback is welcome.
***The Woodlands, TX. May 1996.
Simon Astar sighed heavily, entering his bedroom and shrugging off his backpack. My senior year final exams were rough, he reflected. At least they're over now. Weekend's here, woo!
Best way to start things off was with a relaxing rest, he decided. High school wasn't quite over yet, after all. He still had to wait for his exam results next week, then get through graduation. He was pretty sure he'd done well, but there was always a chance he hadn't.
That brought an unwelcome tension to the young black man's mind. ...
... Shit, he thought, and no way to immediately remove it either. I won't know my exam results till next week. I gotta distract myself till then. What to do? Parents are out of town for the weekend, my little sister probably won't want to hang out with me, no extracurriculars scheduled this weekend, no video games I want to play right now, I'm between girlfriends...
The last wasn't entirely true, he recalled, smiling. He did have a couple friends with benefits- Lisa Coleman and Tess Winfield. The two sexpot cheerleaders had made his senior prom night very enjoyable- on the dance floor and in their private orgy afterwards. It had been so much fun it had not mattered to Simon that two other guys had also taken part in the latter activity. Or that his current official girlfriend- Lisa's younger sister Stephanie- had been excluded. Oh well, I can't date Stephanie seriously anyway, he reminded himself. We both know that. In three months, when she's eighteen, it will be a different story. We're waiting for that time to go all the way. Steph's okay with me hooking up with her older sister and other people in the meantime since we can't be together sexually till she's a legal adult. She doesn't feel angry jealousy and understands the jailbait wait. Lisa and I had a pre-existing relationship too- I dated her before Stephanie and it was a good thing even if it couldn't be long term. She wanted to date a cuter more popular guy as her main squeeze, cut us back to friends with benefits. She ...