A Very Merry Christmas Indeed Part 1
Date: 1/30/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: awriterssojourn
... she slipped off her pajamas and turned on the shower. She stepped under the showerhead and let the scalding hot water run down her body. She could feel her muscles relax as the bathroom filled with steam. She planned to go into town today and look for some small gifts for Jeff and the boys. She also needed to go to a mall in the town a county over to shop for her mother-in-law, but she might save that for a different day. She worked shampoo into her hair as she relished the heat of the shower. They had already made plans to spend time in the upcoming week with both of their families, but she had also made sure they reserved some nights for them to stay home. She had wanted to have a chance to watch some Christmas movies with the boys. That was always one of her favorite memories growing up with her parents. She made a mental list of the movies she wanted to watch as she shaved her legs carefully. No other holiday had movies like Christmas. No matter how many times you watched them, they never got old. Finishing up in the shower, she dried herself off before moving on to her hair and makeup. She put on blue jeans with a thick sweater. Because of the cold weather, she paired this with her black leather boots that came to just below her knees. She zipped the boots up and did one last check in the mirror. Even in the thick winter clothing, her slender physique was apparent, and her long raven hair falling down over her shoulders made her look more exotic than she ...
... really was. She turned to go, pleased with how she looked for the day. She gathered up the twins and dropped them off at her parent's for a few hours with plans to finish her Christmas shopping. Annie made her way into town, driving slowly to look at the Christmas decorations. Some had giant inflatables that had been popular for the last few years, while others had more traditional lights, but almost every house had something. They would have to bring the twins to look at the lights this week, she thought. Looking at the Christmas decorations was another tradition she had always loved. As her car passed by the hardware store, she looked to see if she could catch a glimpse of Jeff. Hardy’s Hardware. She had to admit that Hardy was a great name for someone who started a hardware store, but her favorite part was the smaller lettering underneath that read,and sons. She didn’t see Jeff, but the store looked busy, which was good. She turned onto Main Street. All of the shops were festively decorated, with twinkling lights along the rooflines and in the windows. Every street light had a wreath on it, and she could see the Christmas tree in Main Street Square in the distance. It looked like the kind of picturesque town you would see in magazines and was one reason the holidays were so special growing up here. However, her attention turned back to driving as the shoppers were out in full force. The sidewalks were crowded as families and individuals went from store to store. ...