A Very Merry Christmas Indeed Part 1
Date: 1/30/2024,
Wife Lovers,
Author: awriterssojourn
It was a cold December morning, but Annie was warm and cozy under the covers. She stretched out under the soft sheets as she blinked her eyes. The sun was barely starting to come through the blinds. She snuggled back against her husband’s large frame. Her butt pressed up against his crotch as she wiggled into him, hoping to feel him get hard. Neither of them had to get up yet, and she was in the mood for a quickie before leaving the bed's warmth.
Annie and Jeff had become a couple nearly a decade earlier. Annie had moved back to her small hometown to accept a teaching job at the local middle school after she finished her degree at the state university. She had always been pretty shy and had been bookish in high school. She had trouble making friends in the bigger city and missed her parents and the charm of the small, tight-knit community. So when she had the opportunity to move back, she didn’t hesitate. Her parents had also been thrilled to have her back, especially because she stayed with them while she saved up some money after college.
Jeff had been a few years ahead of her in high school. He had been the captain of the football team and the life of the party back then. They hadn’t interacted much at the time because they were in entirely different social circles, even within the small town. He was big, burly, and handsome, and every girl in town seemed to have a crush on him. After high school, he had worked at his dad’s hardware store in town.
When she moved ...
... back to town, a friend she had reconnected with at church set her up with Jeff for a blind date because she thought they would be cute together. At least, this is what Annie had thought at the time. Annie was shocked when she found out who the date was and was sure there must be a mistake. Her apprehension had quickly been subdued when she had spent time with him. Despite his rugged appearance, he was kind, gentle, and clearly very charmed with her. She had been swept off of her feet immediately.
Jeff tells it differently, though. He insists that he had seen her come in and sit a few pews up from him one Sunday. Right after the service, he had asked around to try to find out more about the beautiful woman he didn’t recognize. Annie did have to admit she had changed since she had graduated high school. She had been a late bloomer. In college, her bust had filled out, and she had gotten into fitness as a way to burn off stress after hours of studying. She had also found her sense of style and figured out the right way to do her makeup for her porcelain skin color. Her long raven hair, which had always been messy in high school, was now one of her best features. Once Jeff had figured out who she was, he begged one of her friends to set them up. The rest was history.
They had a whirlwind romance fit for a Hallmark movie. Dates out to the local diner for milkshakes and long days relaxing on Jeff’s boat on the river. He had charmed her parents easily, and his younger sisters ...