Becca & Uncle Ken go to a resort (Chapter 1)
Date: 1/30/2024,
Male / Female Teens,
Author: beccad462
... was completely empty except for a single woman standing at a desk in the centre of a luxurious room, smiling widely at us as we approached. “Hello!” she exclaimed. “You must be Ken and Becca - welcome to our exclusive resort.” She winked at us and ran her eyes over both of our bodies. I almost laughed. We’d been here for less than five minutes and already we’d both been checked out by two people, it was extremely flattering.
“Hi,” Uncle Ken said, returning her smile easily. “We’re excited to be here.”
“I bet,” the concierge responded, shooting me another smile. “Before we get started, I’ll need you both to turn over your phones.”
“Our phones?” Uncle Ken asked.
“Yes sir. I’m sorry, but it’s policy that we don’t allow our guests to keep their phones for the duration of their stay. If you have a camera, you’ll have to hand that over as well.”
“Why?” I asked, curiously. This was such a beautiful resort, I couldn’t imagine not being able to take any photos of the property or the forests or the pool.
“It’s for the privacy of our guests,” the concierge explained. “It’s very important that everyone feel safe and confident that their confidentiality is being maintained.”
“Well, that makes sense,” Uncle Ken said, glancing at me. He pulled his cellphone from the front pocket of his jeans and placed it on the counter. I reached into my purse and withdrew mine as well, putting it down beside Uncle Ken’s. The concierge smiled wide. “Wonderful, thank you.” She ...
... turned her attention to the computer in front of her and pulled two hotel room keys from a drawer, sliding them across the counter. “Your room is on the sixth floor,” she said. “621. And you have a lovely view of the pool.”
“I’m sorry,” Uncle Ken said. “We should have two rooms.”
The concierge raised one eyebrow and glanced back down at the computer screen. “No sir, I’m sorry but I’m only seeing a single room on your reservation.”
“There must be a mistake.”
“Well unfortunately, we are fully booked at this time so it won’t be possible to book a second room. Will that be okay?”
Uncle Ken sighed, exasperated, and turned to me. “What do you think?”
I shrugged. “It’s okay with me, Uncle Ken.”
“Are you sure?”
“We’re already here,” I said. “And it was such a long drive. Besides, it’s only for a few days.”
Uncle Ken turned back to the concierge and said, “Okay, I guess that’s fine.”
The woman smiled. “You’ve made a great choice! All our guests love it here and I’m sure you’ll be no exception.” She winked again. “Keep an open mind and you’ll have an amazing time.”
I returned her smile and leaned into Uncle Ken a little bit. “Can’t wait!”
She placed a pamphlet on the counter face down next to our keys and said, “Have fun you two.” Uncle Ken snagged both from the counter, handed me the pamphlet without looking at it, and we turned to head towards the elevator bank.
“She was a bit odd, don’t you think?” Uncle Ken whispered to me.
“A little bit,” I ...