Becca & Uncle Ken go to a resort (Chapter 1)
Date: 1/30/2024,
Male / Female Teens,
Author: beccad462
Day 1
It had been a long drive. We’d left the city nearly five hours ago, and while the scenery had been beautiful and the snacks had been great, I was so excited to check out the resort. It was hidden from civilization by thick forests, miles from any other businesses, homes, or even farms.
“I think this is the turn,” Uncle Ken said, pointing to the right, where an enormous wrought iron electric gate stood. He pulled in to the gate and saw a little key pad and speaker, so he rolled down his window and reached out to press the call button.
“Hello!” a cheery voice called out. “Can I help you?”
“Hello,” Uncle Ken responded. “Ken Thomas checking in.”
“Wonderful, welcome! Please follow the road to the resort.” There was a low buzz and the gate began to move.
“This place certainly takes security seriously,” Uncle Ken joked.
“Maybe it’s to keep bears out,” I said, giggling a little.
We followed the road for nearly five minutes before the trees began to thin out and we spotted the hotel looming ahead of us. Uncle Ken brought the car to a stop in front of the front door and a valet jogged over to the car, immediately opening the passenger door for me to step out.
“Welcome!” he cried. The valet looked about my age - 18 and fresh out of high school - with a wide smile. He eyed me up and down and I felt a blush bloom on my cheeks at the blatant appreciation. Then he shot a look at Uncle Ken over the top of the car and winked at him. “You two can head straight ...
... in to check-in to your home away from home for the next few days.”
“Thank you, we’re so excited!” I said, smiling at him.
Uncle Ken tossed the valet the car keys and started towards the trunk of the car to get their suitcases.
“Oh, no Mr. Thompson,” the valet said. “We’ll handle your bags and will have them waiting in your room.” He let himself into the car and drove it away, disappearing into the trees again.
“This place looks so beautiful,” I said, gazing up at the resort.
“I know,” he replied. “I didn’t do much research on it, but from the reviews I read, people love it here. You worked so hard to graduate with honours, you deserve a treat.” He smiled at me and I felt something warm bloom in my chest. I was so lucky to have an uncle as generous and kind as Ken. He had showed up at my graduation ceremony to cheer me on from the crowd and immediately after, surprised me with a trip to some “hidden gem” deep in the wilderness. I could not wait for three full days of swimming in the resort’s pool, eating great food, reading my book, and hanging out with Uncle Ken.
Uncle Ken nudged me out of my thoughts and said, “Let’s go check in.”
“Yes! Let’s go. I can’t wait to explore the resort. Can we go swimming once we’ve unpacked?”
“We can do whatever you want. I want you to have an amazing time.” He placed his hand in the middle of my back and began to guide me forward, through the automatic sliding glass doors and into the resort lobby.
The reception area ...