White Slave Tales - Charity Slave Auction
Date: 12/30/2023, Categories: Diary , Consensual Sex Slavery, Wife Author: spacybickerson
... in front of everyone. He shuffled up behind me and dipped down and slipped his cock into me and drove it home immediately. I groaned in pleasure and started to close my eyes and lay my head down on the counter. Glenn stopped me and ordered me to keep my head up and look in the mirror at all of the people watching us fuck in a public men's room. People were cheering him, cheering both of us on, and I loved it. I came twice before he finished and then I showed him my new trick when I dropped down and sucked his cock and his balls clean. Dale groaned in pleasure as I laved his family jewels for him. Finally he put them away and I stood up and covered as much of myself as I could with the weasel and we walked out to the sound of applause. As we left the restroom, people nearby heard the applause and turned to look. Many of my friends saw me coming out of the men's room but by now it didn't really matter. They already knew what kind of a weekend I was having. They may not know all of the particulars, but they knew that I was now not just a slave to Glenn, but a sex-slave and that I was way beyond enjoying it. I was, in fact, deliriously happy and enjoying being paraded around nearly naked and being fucked in the men's rooms and we won't even go into what happened last night. What made it so strange to them is that I had probably been one of the most conservative women in the group. Or at least I had been up until now. I suppose that we were all wondering what had gotten ...
... into me. I grinned when that thought crossed my mind. I knew exactly what had gotten into me. Glenn's wonderful cock had gotten into me. It had gotten into me very far and I had never enjoyed a fuck that much in my life. I suppose they knew that from the sounds they heard coming from that tent last night and again this morning. We went back through the crowd, me with cum leaking out of the crotch of my one tiny article of clothing. The people in the room parted before us and stared in awe as we went past. Dale was kept pretty busy after that. He had been busy all day. It seems that MOPAR is underrepresented at these shows and his Superbee was pretty popular. I waited around with Glenn, listening to people come up and visit with him. A lot of the people were exhibitors who we had spoken with earlier, but most of them were just people who liked his 1969 Z-28 Camaro convertible. He got some pretty fantastic offers for it. Dale had gotten some too. But these people didn't need money and they loved their cars. The exhibit halls finally closed at six, but the vendors were still open for another two hours and most of us started making the circuit, checking out the vendor tents. Most of the stuff available was guy stuff. There were a lot of parts for cars and bikes and t-shirts with nasty things written across the front. There were several vendors selling costume jewelry, but I am not a jewelry person. I have my engagement ring and my wedding ring and my watch. Those are ...