1. White Slave Tales - Charity Slave Auction

    Date: 12/30/2023, Categories: Diary , Consensual Sex Slavery, Wife Author: spacybickerson

    Charity Slave Auction
    A young woman is persuaded to let herself be auctioned as a sex slave and discovers that she likes it.
    I am not sure who started it, but I suspect it was Glenn. Somehow we started talking about doing things for charity, doing things like raffles and the like to collect money over the year and at the end of the year turn it all over to a charity in one lump sum.
    They started talking about having an auction, and trying to think of what they could auction off. The beer was flowing pretty heavy and I guess that was why so many people thought it would be fun to auction off the wives for the weekend, one wife per weekend that we went out of town for a show. It would only be between the other members of the club, of course. Each wife would be auctioned off and then she would be the slave of the person that bought her for the entire weekend.
    They kept talking it up and trying to figure out how it was going to work and before I knew what was going on that son of a bitch I was married to had offered to put me up for auction. Right now!
    I kept insisting I wouldn't do it, but somehow I ended up standing next to Carl in the firelight and he was taking bids. Everyone was laughing, joking, and having a great time. I was pretty nervous, and more than a little pissed at my husband.
    The bidding started out pretty low, and pretty intense. I should mention here that owning and showing classic cars can be an expensive hobby. A lot of these guys had a lot ...
    ... more money than sense. Still, I was shocked when Glenn finally won me with a winning bid of twenty-five hundred dollars!
    I like Glenn. He is funny and personable and pretty easy on the eyes. He is also something of a male chauvinist pig.
    I looked at Dale, wondering what the hell he had gotten me into. All I saw was pride. He didn't have a clue what I was going to have to go through this weekend. He was just so fucking proud that his wife had produced such heated bidding and such an outrageous winning bid.
    Glenn came up and claimed his prize and led me back to his chair and pulled me into his lap. At first he just held me there with his arm around me and teased me about how much fun he was going to have this weekend with his sexy young slave. Glenn is almost fifty. I imagine it has been a long time since he had his arms around a girl my age.
    He pretty much behaved himself at first. But over the next hour I had to get up and get us both a beer twice. He insisted that I keep up with him. As the night wore on his hands started moving to places his hands weren't supposed to be.
    I tried to discretely discourage him, but not only did he ignore my protests, the rest of the club was watching us and they kept insisting that I was property now and could not object. Even my husband, who had no idea how much trouble he was in when I got his ass home!
    I was dressed in a loose fitting crop top and a pair of loose terry cloth shorts and panties. It's the perfect outfit for ...