1. The Niece, The Wife and Their Needs Pt 2

    Date: 11/6/2015, Categories: Fantasy Bestiality, Incest Interracial, Male/Teen Female Toys, Author: wife4hungblk, Source: sexstories.com

    ... me. The scent of our sexing her fills my nostrils and the taste lingers on my tongue as our lips express the gratitude we both feel for the other. Touching her body instills a need for me to reciprocate her actions and I break the kiss and slide off the edge of the couch and quickly move behind her and press my face into her ass crack and force my tongue deep inside her pussy and begin licking the same emissions she has just enjoyed from her sloppy inner flesh. The dog’s cum is watery, almost tart tasting but not unpleasant enough to prevent me wallowing in her wetness as I tongue her forcibly. She laughs and rolls to the side effectively removing my tongue from her pussy while saying, “You don’t have to do that Rick, watch.” She lays back, opens her thighs, then pats her pussy and says, “Eat boy, Eat”. Ramrod bolts to her and begins licking at her slimy thighs and pussy energetically. Soon she is laying back, feet on the edge of the couch lifting her pussy to his deep penetrating licks as he gathers her juices. Her eyes close and moans roll from her lips as her hands squeeze her breasts tightly, mashing them as her fingers torment her nipples, back arching into a “C” shape from the intensity of her releases. She is so free sexually that she seems the complete opposite of Rita, well the Rita of the past anyway. The new Rita would lay there and cum her ass off knowing I was watching her do it and enjoy it immensely I am sure. I can’t wait to experience the new woman my wife ...
    ... promises to be now. When Mac finally falls from exhaustion she smiles at me and says weakly, “Now do you understand why I love dog fucking Uncle Rick?” I had been gazing at Ramrod’s dick as he ate Mac. It had immediately unsheathed again as he tasted her flowing cum and smelled her arousement. I was amazed at the length and thickness of his cock and his knot was the size of a small grapefruit when he had jerked it from Mac’s pussy. I can only imagine how large it was when he cum in her. I felt an inner excitement knowing it might be possible to have him as our dog and to be able to watch Rita fuck him whenever she needs his dick. It may sound depraved but I knew I wanted to be a part of my wife fucking animals, feeling them cum in her pussy like our niece does. “Yes I do sweetie. By the way did you talk to Marsha’s mom about us taking Ramrod? I’d love to give him to Rita for her birthday. If she agrees, don’t mention it to Rita I want it to be a surprise.” “You want him to fuck Aunt Rita don’t you, you old pervert? Do you want me to help get her to fuck him, I bet I can”, she said confidently. “I’m not sure yet. But, yes I would like her to get fucked by him because I believe she would enjoy it. Let me feel her out about it first though because I’d hate for her to tell your parents you were fucking Ramrod. That could cause a lot of conflict among us all, but if you were to catch her fucking him then we’d know she wouldn’t say anything. Maybe you should take him home before she ...