1. The Niece, The Wife and Their Needs Pt 2

    Date: 11/6/2015, Categories: Fantasy Bestiality, Incest Interracial, Male/Teen Female Toys, Author: wife4hungblk, Source: sexstories.com

    ... hotter than I believe I’ve ever been in my life as I feel Ramrod licking over my cock and balls as he persecutes Mac with pleasure, causing her to writhe actively upon me. Feeling her young body fucking back into my dick as the dogs tongue invades her pussy deeply has me resolving in my mind to have Rita similarly situated as soon as possible. I wasn’t prepared at all for what Ramrod did next. I heard him whine and then saw his chest pressing down upon Mac’s body, felt his paws slide down alongside our bodies on either side and then felt his flanks thrusting against my inner thighs. Just as I realized what he was doing Mac screamed, “Oh god he’s fucking me, oh shit….oh shit…..oh my god yes…YES!…YES!......fuckin me……oh fuck I’m so full of good dick……..God he’s hurting me…….fuck me….fuck my ass Rick…oh god I’m cummin……..I’m cummin so hard…aaarrrgggghhhhHHHHHHHHHH……….AAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!....WON’T…STOP…aaiiieeeEEEEEEE! Oh my god….ooohhhhhhhhgodddddd…….knot….oh fuck he’s knotting me…aarrgghhhhhHHHHHHHH ohhhHHHHHHHHYESSSSSS!...fuck me boy…….cum….oh god Rick cum in me….PLEASE CUM!! I can feel his thick knot pressuring my own dick as I fuck Mac’s ass rapidly using long fast strokes as Ramrod impales her pussy deeply. He swells hugely as I feel him throbbing through the thin membrane separating our cocks and I’m sure he is about to cum in my niece’s distended pussy. Her screams affirm I am right as she cries loudly…….”OH GOD HE”S CUMMIN IN MY PUSSY”, as her hips begin a wild ...
    ... undulation as she grinds into his spewing animal cock. I can feel the heat of his ejaculation permeating her body and that heat along with the forceful gyrations of her orgasming body has my own balls drawing up and pumping her colon full of my own lava like seed. My hands grip her supple breasts as I hear her crying, feel her tears dripping from her head as it flails from side to side as she wails how we’re killing her and how much she loves it, loves us hurting her pussy and ass with our big cocks. I feel him begin thrusting hard for a few seconds, feel her body arching, tensing till I think she will break, her ass turning down into my spewing glans as she growls, “UNNNNNGGGHHHHHHHHOOOOHHHHGODDDDDD” and then falls limply as Ramrod begins licking her face, breasts then just stands between our thighs panting, tongue lolling from the side of his big mouth appearing to smile at the remarkable fucking he just gave his bitch. We lay there regaining our breath and our sensibilities for maybe 15-20 minutes as Ramrod attempts to extract his knot from her young pussy. Finally he lurches backwards and as he turns I feel his knot leave her pussy with a loud slurping sound and then a hot flood of liquid dog cum and Mac’s juices flow down over my dick and balls. She says nothing as she slides down my body and begins sucking their wet emissions from my cock and balls, licking, sucking as if she craved the dogs cum. Once she has licked me clean she kneels beside me and leans forward and kisses ...