1. My Sister's Pussy

    Date: 12/19/2023, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Incest Male/Female Wife Young Author: alaiseq, Source: sexstories.com

    ... it five additional means and her breathing was so quick and solid I figured she would drop. I couldn't say whether she intended to or not however she began pushing her butt back against me as she ventured forward. It was practically similar to she was attempting to get me more profound in her pussy. We were simply lost in sexual delight; the only thing that mattered was the intense pleasure. There was no thinking.
    We came to the entryway of her room and her pussy clasped around my cock as she had another climax. This time I needed to clutch the wall to hold back from falling. Her groans became stronger, very nearly a muted shout. My throbbing cock was flooded with her pussy juice. In the event that it had not been for the music and the commotion anybody nearby would have heard her.
    As her pussy grasped my cock I was unable to hold out any more and a surge of cum shot from my cock somewhere within her. My cock began beating as many burdens shot into her. The subsequent she felt me cum in her she set off in the greatest climax yet. Her breathing was so quick it seemed like she had quite recently ran a long distance race. Her entire body was shaking, we both just remained there set against the way to her room. It assumed control more than a moment for the two of us to pause and rest and have the option to move. Neither of us could talk, it was everything we could don't to fall over.
    She opened the entryway and strolled in leisurely and notwithstanding my climax, my ...
    ... cock never went absolutely delicate. As we strolled in I felt the blood stream once more into my cock in a hurry. The warm sensation of my tacky cum blended in with her pussy juice running down our legs, just made me need her more. As we entered the building, I was pumping my cock in her with each step.
    This time I didn't actually attempt to conceal the reality I was attempting to screw her hard. Sex and cum permeated the entire costume. As she shut the door, she moaned louder. We strolled toward the bed me fucking her with each step. My hips were shaking to and fro like a smaller than expected automatic rifle. I was able to go as fast as I could with each tiny stroke.
    She groaned stronger not caring any longer as she twisted around the edge of the bed. Her pussy was pressed up against me because her head was resting all the way down. This permitted somewhat more space and I was siphoning her with all I could make due. She started to groan boisterously - as of now not in any event, attempting to hush up. As many groans left her lips I heard the one thing that made me go crazy with desire.
    "Ohhh don't stop. Baby brother, fuck me, fuck me! Goodness God indeed, kindly don't stop," she shouted.
    "Screw me, use me, take me simply don't stop!" she said as her voice broke in pants.
    All believed was gone as she twisted around the bed and began shaking her hips to meet my forward push. She gasped as my cock slipped deeper into her. The more she twisted around the further I ...