1. My Sister's Pussy

    Date: 12/19/2023, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Incest Male/Female Wife Young Author: alaiseq, Source: sexstories.com

    ... went in her until I could feel my balls slap against her clit. She let out an uproarious shout of sexual delight and had a climax that appeared to continue to work in power. I felt and heard the material in her back begin to tear as she shook so hard it was like trying to hold on to a bucking bronco.
    The back gave way and I pulled out of her pussy. The unexpected change made me slip. I attempted to consistent myself yet lost my equilibrium and fell over on my butt pulling her down with me. I felt a cut of torment on my cock briefly as she fell on me, then it felt warm and tight. I realized my cock had entered her genital area. The snugness of her butt and the groans from as yet waiting climax were beyond what I could take.
    In a brief moment we both acknowledged what had quite recently happed however were both excessively far gone to mind. She attempted to get back upstanding yet it just made my cock sink all through her butt. I was flogging her groin! Multiple times she attempted to get upstanding yet each time she simply figured out how to siphon my cock in her butt. In a little while I understood she was making an effort not to get up, she was lifting her butt all over assisting me with fucking her butt.
    "Screw my butt child sibling, take my butt hard," she shouted.
    "You need my butt? You own it. Fuck me hard, please. Sink that hard cock somewhere down in my butt," she said madly.
    Those words were beyond what I could take. As the cum boiled from my balls ...
    ... and exploded deep in her ass, I felt my cock begin that final thrust. She likewise let out a shout as her climax tore through her body. I think we both may have dropped. I felt my cock become softer as I awoke in a daze. With a plop, it flew out of her groin.
    We both just lay on the floor for a few additional prior minutes I began pushing my back against the material. I felt it give once more and heard the material tear. My costume's back was out of place. I moved out leisurely, my fighters were covered with cum and pussy juice. As I peered down I could see my cock was as yet semi hard and jabbing through the fly in my fighters.
    My hair was dripping wet and I was covered in sweat. I moved on my back and began attempting to pause and rest as my sister sorted out her method of the tore opening. As I watched her move out of the ensemble, I could see she was a greater wreck than me. Her hair was tangled together and all in front of her. She had lost her swimsuit bottoms and I couldn't resist the opportunity to appreciate her waxed, smooth pussy.
    I turned upward and saw that her two-piece top had torn and her bosoms were absolutely free. As she battled out of the ensemble I watched hypnotized as her enormous bosoms would swing to and fro like a metronome. It was whenever I first had at any point seen her absolutely stripped and I was unable to prevent myself from looking. Like me, she was covered in sweat, her face was flushed, and her nipples were as hard as erasers. Her ...