1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part One

    Date: 11/26/2023, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cosplay, Cuckold, Exhibitionism Humiliation Voyeurism Author: Steweird

    ... apologized awkwardly, now keeping his eyes level with hers. “You were gone a while, and that boy was headed down here. I figured he may have done something stupid enough to get you both killed by those Gobbies.”
    Cadwarra stood unabashedly naked in front of him, her sword in her lowered hand. Falco’s cum was dripping out of her, it trickled slowly down the inside of her thigh. Disgusted with it, she fought the desire to wipe it away. She wanted to rid herself of the memory of his incompetant humping.
    “Well, thank you for worrying.....” Cadwarra answered, obviously flustered to know he must have known what she had been doing. “....But as you see, I was the one doing something stupid.”
    Not noticing the rivulet of sperm glistening down her shapely leg, he nodded gravely while lowering his eyes slightly. Perhaps because he respectfully averted his gaze, she now felt completely comfortable being nude in front of the old soldier. He had always been kind to her.
    He raised his gaze, his eyes sweeping up the length of her body to look her in the eye. “You have a lovely body.” he volunteered “Too lovely for a fool like that boy to have before a real man had a chance to have you.”
    Cadwarra laughed lightly, making her breasts quiver seductively. “No, no! He was not my first! Thank Tunare! There was another before.” She laughed again.
    The sergeant nodded, feeling an odd relief that the pretty little Elf had not allowed that foolish boy to be her first. There was an odd ...
    ... silence as they stood there, the old soldier and the naked young Wood Elf. The sergeant understood enough of females to sense that Cadwarra was not only not embarrassed to be unclad in front of him but she liked being nude for him. He allowed his gaze to fall again to those magnificently formed breasts of hers, riding high and firm on her chest. And those nipples! .......they seemed to beg him to lean forward and suckle like a baby on them.
    “Miss” he ventured forth, not one for taking the indirect route when a brave advance might reap rewards. “I have a decent weapon up at the shelter by our post. I could let you have it in return for your womanly favour.”
    Womanly favour? Cadwarra weighed the strange offer in her mind. He wished to celebrate Tunare with her for a fee? That was something Cadwarra had never before encountered. True, it was customary for a male to present a female with a small gift after they had celebrated, but a gift was never set beforehand, at least not in her limited experience, and never such a valuable one!
    Well, she mentally shrugged, things were different in Qeynos. Besides, she was still horny from the inept lovemaking Falco had performed. “I would love to celebrate Tunare with you” she answered with little hesitation, her arousal reawakening.
    The sergeant was not a follower of Tunare but was pretty certain what “celebrating” meant. He smiled and stepped to her. He pulled her into his arms and Cadwarra wrapped her arms around him. As her ...