1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part One

    Date: 11/26/2023, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cosplay, Cuckold, Exhibitionism Humiliation Voyeurism Author: Steweird

    ... their cooking pot.”
    Cadwarra nodded her thanks and made her way slowly to the Grinnin. She killed a few and found enough coin to tide her over til tomorrow. One even had a silver piece!
    Just as she was leaving a too familiar voice shouted behind her. She turned to see Falco running toward her grinning foolishly at the sight of her.
    “Where you been?” He asked cheerily, no hint of his anger from the week before. “I was killing spiders all week, made a lot of coin.”
    Cadwarra stood quietly, trying to figure how to get away.
    Falco just kept babbling. “Spent it all on my friends, of course, that’s why I’m back here hunting.”
    Not noticing Cadwarra remaining silent he went on “Wow! Those gurads sure don’t like anyone.....acted like I had no business being here, but I reminded them I was now a Citizen and I had access to everywhere.”
    Cadwarra sighed inwardly.
    “Hey! Wanna go swimming again......you know you liked it!” He winked at her knowingly. “I wanna see more of you....if you know what I mean.” He leered suggestively and pointedly looked her up and down, taking in the curve of her thigh, the sweep of her waist, the fullness of her breasts under her new chainmail.
    “Hey! Great armour! Where did you find it?”
    “In The Caves”, she answered, resenting having to give out any information about herself.
    “Yeah, I really need to upgrade my armour, too” He indicated by a gesture the same old leather armor he was wearing the last time they had met, the day she ...
    ... had let him see her tits. “I have the worst luck! Killed a thousand spiders and not one thing dropped......not one thing! Even when stuff did drop someone else won it in the lottery. I never got a thing.....nothing! And what I did win? I gave to any friends who needed it more. That’s the way I am, I guess.”
    Cadwarra could not hide her discomfort, but it made no impact on him.
    “Hey! Lets go over to those caves of yours! You can help me get some of that chainmail stuff, too!”
    She thought of that great group of Dwarves she had met in there. They had invited her to group with her anytime she wished. With Falco trailing alongside her, she would have been embarassed to meet them. “Well” she lied “It is really too high for us.I was really lucky to get out alive. There are Gnolls all over the place. I was lucky to get back out before I was killed. I am not going to go back, ever.”
    “Shoot! That’s too bad!.....But yeah, we better not go if it is dangerous......er...for you. Hey, just as good then, can you lend me some money to buy some armor? Just a few silver? My friend I gave my armor to owes me a gold piece so I can repay you tomorrow.”
    “I am sorry” she lied again “I am broke too”
    “No, you aren’t” he said “I saw you loot that Goblin.”
    “Well, I need that coin” She answered, annoyed that she felt obliged to respond.
    “I see” he said “You need that coin.........” He tongue lingered on the word ‘need’ as he stared at her crotch and drew in a ragged aroused breath. ...