The Amazon and her Granddaughter Ch. 03
Date: 11/22/2023,
Author: byLL72
... leap as she brought her sword down two-handed in a sweep which if there had been anyone there would have cleaved them in half. She turned to her granddaughter, sheathing her sword as she did so, "There's some honey cakes in the pack, I took them from the kitchen, you can have them for breakfast."
"I hadn't realised I was hungry until you mentioned it," smiled Aina, suddenly realising she was.
"We'll need to avoid the roads, I don't doubt that Hugh has got out the word and they'll be every bounty hunter in the kingdom scouring them for us, I pity any other woman who's travelling with a granddaughter," her Grandmom said grimly.
"Have we enough food?" Aina said nervously.
"Don't worry, I have arrows so we won't go hungry and there's still berries and fruits on the trees, even if some are a little overripe," the Amazon said. She reached round and unbuckled her metallic bikini top, removing the leather underlining at the same time. Aina couldn't help but breathe in as her Grandmom's bosoms were unveiled, they looked even bigger bare than they did cover, swinging and jiggling gently as the woman turned half round to find the buckle on her skirt, taking that down so that Aina could see the woman's weapon. She had felt it pushing against her several times as they had danced and last night as they lay together, but she'd never seen it and now she did she licked her lips as she imagined the woman's cunts it had entered and briefly hoped hers might be one of them. The ...
... older woman removed the weapon, to show the teen her smooth cunt, so enticing and alluring, before leaning down to take off her boots, "I'm going to bathe and then we'll get going." "Isn't it too cold?" Aina said, she was feeling like she was made of ice clad in a cloak and blanket (and wishing she'd found a dress rather than her silks), she couldn't imagine how freezing the water would be.
"I've been colder," her Grandmom grinned. She turned and walked towards the lake, allowing Aina to get a good view of her rear as the front, the older woman's buttocks were firm and sexy and round, making the teen almost salivate.
The teen took one of the honey cakes from the pack on the ground and wrapping her cloak tighter around herself, took the blanket to sit on and moved to one of the flat rocks next to the lake. She munched at the cake, a little staler and less warm than what she was used to, as she watched her Grandmom in the water. At first, the older woman swam back and forth, powerfully driving through the water and diving down into the depths, disappearing from view, before reappearing with a large splash dozens of feet away. After a while she swam back into shallower water, wading as she reached the banks until the water was just below her knees and then began to scoop it up and wash herself, her arms, legs, her breasts, her ass, her pussy. Aina took another bite of the honeycake, no longer tasting it, as she watched the Amazon rub her hands over her sexy body, the water ...