1. Tribal Hunt Pt. 01

    Date: 11/18/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byafs4

    ... upward.
    Anarungu waited.
    The lynx lowered the head, returning to its paw. The hunter released an arrow; it flew exactly over the animal and landed precisely where Naragasa should have been sitting. The fern leaves moved; the lynx's ears perked up sharply, raising its head and looking at the place where the arrow had landed.
    It was quiet. The arrow simply fell into the leaves, blending in with the vines. The lynx soon lowered its head, getting back to her paws.
    "He left me here alone to die," Anarungu hid his bow and slowly stepped back, disappearing into the jungle.
    "Anarungu!" He was greeted by Tatar'Atu at the entrance to the village. "We were worried. Naragasa said you went off on your own to hunt lynx."
    "He said that? So he's at the camp?"
    Tara'Atu nodded. "Why?"
    "Nothing." He followed deep into the camp returning to his hut. Inside Naragasa was discussing something with Gnelsey.
    "My nestling!" she approached him, embracing tightly, her boobs touching his chest.
    Naragasa looked at him oddly. "How was the hunt?" he asked.
    "The lynx got away after I shot it with an arrow. I had to come back when I couldn't find it." Anarungu continued to gaze up at the tall figure of Naragasa.
    "You are very brave, Anarungu. Naragasa told me how you decided to go after the lynx on your own, refusing the help of the chief's brother." His mother kissed him on the forehead.
    "Yes. That's how it was." He hugged her, feeling her nipples caressing his ...
    ... muscles on the chest.
    "I must go. The Elder will announce the Great Hunt soon," Naragasa said as he left, passing by Anarungu and his mother.
    Anarungu watched him until he was gone. "I need to be there too."
    "No! Remember, you must not participate in the Great Hunt!" Gnelsey said.
    He looked her in the eyes. "I remember."
    Anarungu emerged from his hut, and in the center of the village, men and women gathered, all assembled around the Elder. Anarungu stood beside Scar, Peacock, and Tatar'Atu.
    The Elder ascended to a tall pole in the center of the tribal clearing. Women and men of the Blood Bird tribe gathered around to listen to the words of their elder.
    "Children of the forest, women and men of the Blood Bird tribe.
    Our hearts still burn from the loss of Chief Anaragwan. But the time has come to choose a new leader.
    It is time for the Great Hunt. A tradition that connects us to the spirits of our ancestors and shapes our future. Today, before you stands a challenge—a challenge for a warrior and a leader.
    Tomorrow at sunrise, whoever boldly embarks on the hunt and brings back two carcasses with enough meat for all of us for the next 15 cycles will be chosen as the new leader of our tribe. And along with this honor, he will take Gnelsey as his wife. The wife of our departed chief Anaragwan."
    All men glanced at Gnelsey, standing among the women. Anarungu did the same, and like all the men, his gaze slid over her beautiful face and body. Over her ...