1. Tribal Hunt Pt. 01

    Date: 11/18/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byafs4

    ... feather cape. He faced the water, looking at himself in the reflection.
    "Isn't being one with mother the same as being one with nature, with the water touching and washing over my manhood? With the fur and feathers that touch and envelope my male gut and cock. She's a woman, I'm a man. And we have to copulate."
    He looked at her again and she smiled, meeting her son's gaze, without even realizing what thoughts were going through his mind.
    He reached for his cock with his free hand, but then a voice distracted him.
    "Anarungu!" heavy rough footsteps were heard from behind. He turned around - Naragasa was standing very close by, painted scarlet, his long hair gathered over his head, spear in hand. "We're coming out now."
    Naragasa turned to Gnelsey and slowly lowered his head as a sign of his respect for the chief's wife.
    "Have a glorious hunt, Naragasa." Gnelsey continued to wash her belly and chest, slowly moving to her lower body,
    "Thank you."
    Anarungu stood up, grabbing his spear, his manhood calming down. They moved away, and Gnelsey disappeared from view. Exiting the village, they entered the thick jungle.
    "Do you like Gnelsey?" the hunter said, keeping an eye on the boy.
    "I love my mother. I respect and worry about her, especially now, with Blood Bird losing its leader."
    "That's good. You're a loyal son," Naragasa chuckled, handing the boy a pot of berries. "Take these. They'll help in case of danger and dull the pain of wounds. Have ...
    ... you ever hunted big game before?"
    Anarungu looked at the berries, but did not take them. "No. Never before."
    "Wait," Naragasa stopped him suddenly. "Look." He pointed to the ground where large paw prints were visible.
    "A lynx?" Anarungu examined them. "Big claws."
    "Yes, a lynx. Lynx meat is enough to feed the whole tribe for 12 cycles. Your dad once hunted two in a single day—the only tribe member who could ever do that."
    "That's why he was our chief. We'd better go the other way." "Why? Are you afraid, Anarungu? Let's go." Naragasa dragged him forward, hiding the berries. "We must be ready for the Great Tribal Hunt."
    They walked in silence and soon came to a large lawn. "Look." Naragasa pointed to something gray. In the thicket lay an animal, a large lynx covered in gray fur. The cat was licking its paws, which had traces of blood on them.
    "Must be resting after a successful hunt. Take a bow."
    Anarungu pulled out his newly created bow.
    Naragasa continued, pulling out his spear. "I'll go around behind him and finish the beast with my spear as soon as you shoot. Aim exactly at the head. I'll be right there," Naragasa pointed his large hand to a point on the other end of the lawn. The next moment, the bulky man disappeared into the thicket.
    "Does he think we can kill this beast, or does he think I'm a fool?" Anarungu waited for a while and drew the bowstring, preparing an arrow. The lynx raised its head, looking around and lifting its sharp ears ...