1. A Very Merry Christmas Indeed Part 2

    Date: 11/12/2023, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: awriterssojourn

    ... anyone being the wiser.
    She couldn’t believe the things people were saying to her now that she had an actual account they could follow. She had set the cost at a bare minimum since she didn’t care about money. All Annie wanted was attention.
    Putting her phone down, she sipped her coffee with a smile.
    Jeff’s pickup truck pulled to a stop. The driveway was already full of cars that she recognized. Annie climbed down out of the passenger seat before helping the twins out. The weather wasn’t quite as cold tonight, and Annie had worn a light sweater with the high-waisted black jeans she had bought at the mall. The sweater was taupe with a series of large buttons down the front to add some style.
    The kids ran ahead and joined a few of their cousins who were playing in the backyard with the limited light they had. Jeff and Annie carried the dishes they had brought inside and were directed by Jeff's mother, Nancy, where to put them.
    “Merry Christmas!” Jeff said as he hugged both of his parents. His dad, Mike, was a large man like Jeff. His mother, Nancy, had a boisterous personality that Jeff had also inherited. All the things she loved about Jeff seemed to have come from his parents. Annie couldn’t have asked for any better in-laws.
    The chaos was in full swing as they made the rounds and greeted everyone. The kids chattered up a storm as they played games and ran in and out of the back door. There were so many siblings and cousins and ...
    ... aunts and uncles that it was time for dinner by the time Jeff and Annie had almost spoken to everyone.
    Jeff and Annie were seated near the head of the table by Mike, Nancy, and Jeff’s younger brother.
    The sound of metal on glass reverberated through the room, quickly capturing the attention of everyone gathered. Mike stood at the head of the adult table and was about to give the customary toast he gives every year.
    “It’s always a special treat to have all of our children and their families with us on Christmas Eve. I couldn't ask for a greater gift than to be surrounded by the ones I love most. So, I’ll keep it short because I know everyone is looking forward to eating all of this delicious food,” a laugh went up around the room. “To family – the foundation of our lives and the cornerstone of our community. Here's to a Christmas filled with joy, love, and the simple pleasures that make life truly meaningful. Cheers! Now dig in!”
    A cheer went up from around the room. The sound of utensils scraping on plates and the roar of voices made it hard to hear anyone more than a couple of spots down from them. Jeff and his Dad seemed to be mostly talking shop about the hardware store and the holiday sales, so Annie turned her attention to Nancy and Jeff’s brother.
    They were always easy to talk to, and the time passed quickly. BUZZ. Annie felt the vibration from her phone in her pocket but ignored it, determined to be present in the moment. Nancy was telling her a story about ...