1. A Very Merry Christmas Indeed Part 2

    Date: 11/12/2023, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: awriterssojourn

    Annie looked at Jeff, who was focused on the TV, watching one of the football games. The kids were in their own world as they played with some toys on the carpeted floor.
    She wanted to get his opinion on Beth’s boyfriend and see if it was the same as when they had worked together. “So Beth is dating this guy that used to work with you, Michael?” she feigned a little as if she didn’t remember as much as she did.
    “Michael Gonzalez?” He raised his eyebrows. “I can’t believe Beth is dating that loser,” Jeff said.
    “Loser seems a little harsh,” she said.
    “No, he’s a creep,” Jeff said seriously. “Ask Natalie about him. He was always hitting on girls in their high school class the second they turned eighteen. So he would have been, what, nearly thirty at the time?”
    “Yikes, there’s no way Beth knows that,” Annie said.
    “There really aren’t any better guys out there for her to date? Like literally anyone?” Jeff asked.
    She laughed, “Well, maybe Beth should take his approach and start dating younger before all the good guys get married.
    Jeff smiled at that, “I’m surprised they aren’t already falling over themselves to try to date her.” He hesitated and then added, “Is she going to want to take him to the beach if we go?”
    “I doubt they’ll be dating then, but who knows? I doubt Susan or Alice will be happy if he’s actually that much of a creep,” she answered.
    Annie looked at the time and realized time had gotten away from her. “It’s about time for bed, you ...
    ... two,” she said, knowing they had barely heard her earlier reminder.
    “Mommmm,” came the answer in unison, as they were apt to do.
    “It’s already past your bedtime,” she told them, “You’ll have lots of time to play tomorrow.” They hurried off to get ready for bed without any more argument.
    She followed after them, making sure they brushed their teeth and put up their dirty clothes. Once she tucked them into bed, she read them a story until their little eyes got heavy, and they were still.
    Annie returned to the living room and found they weren’t the only ones asleep. Jeff must be exhausted to fall asleep on the sofa, she thought. She gently woke him so he could get ready for bed while she turned off the lights for the night.
    Annie made the forty-five-minute drive to the mall a town over while thinking about what else she could get her mother-in-law. The mall was located in a town significantly bigger than the one she lived in, and the traffic was a headache this close to Christmas. The crowds were much bigger here than they had been on Main Street a few days earlier.
    Annie figured a nice scarf or sweater would be perfect to go with the gifts they had already gotten for her. She perused her way through Ann Taylor and a few other stores that she thought would have the kind of clothing that she was looking for. She made her way from one to the next, lost in thought as she made her way through rack after rack.
    Finally, she stumbled across a ...