1. Adventures in Modern Dating

    Date: 11/9/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byFatdog25

    ... with more information and more participants.
    There were a few additional questions about body types and stuff, which I answered generically. There were a few A/B choices I had to go through, almost like a smash/pass type thing.
    When I finished that task, I was returned to the home screen and noticed a progress bar across the bottom. It sat at 18 percent, displayed in green. As I watched, my phone vibrated again and the bar jumped to 25 percent.
    A little notification popped up, telling me that my compatibility score was now 95 percent. We would be progressing to the next stage and I would receive further instructions tomorrow. I closed the app and soon fell asleep.
    The app had been busy overnight. I had a new set of questions and two more potential matches, 82 and 76 percent. Those were results I could be happy with.
    The new set of questions were of the "What would you do?" type. There were fewer questions but they took longer to answer. I was encouraged to answer candidly and the AI would strip out personally identifiable data, then present the sanitized answer for my approval before submitting it. I quickly learned it didn't like he or she for pronouns, preferring they/them. In fact, it didn't care for any gender-specific words.
    I answered all the questions, although it took most of the morning. I was doing my laundry Sunday night when I received the new set of questions. My top score was still 95, I had one at 60, and my third match was gone. The 60 was ...
    ... in yellow, so I assumed that was the cutoff.
    These were more detailed questions about moral and ethical choices. Instead of multiple choice answers, I had to justify my answer in detail. Several times, my answer was kicked back until I had given sufficient details.
    The next morning was the first time I didn't have questions waiting for me. In fact, the app was quiet all day. I lost my second match sometime during the afternoon and my first match was down to 94. That bummed me out a little. Tuesday was back to normal. The questions were definitely more complicated and the answers were harder to get accepted until I just said fuck it and got brutally honest. I didn't finish answering them until bedtime, work had gotten in the way so I waited until I got home.
    Wednesday, my compatibility score had dropped to 89. I recognized the new questions as rehashed ones from yesterday and provided a little more justification for my answers. That afternoon, my compatibility was back to 95 percent. The progress bar was nearing 50 percent now.
    By Thursday, the questions turned to family life, real and ideal. Simple questions, easily answered. Until the last question in the batch.
    "Who is your favorite family member?" wasn't that difficult to answer, even if it changed sister to sibling. The very last question took me a while. "Why?"
    No answer I tried to give was acceptable. I had to actually think about the answer. General responses got me nowhere.
    It wasn't until Saturday ...