1. Adventures in Modern Dating

    Date: 11/9/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byFatdog25

    ... forward to get in, she kissed me directly on the lips.
    I just stood there, caught completely off guard. "Are you going to close the door or what?" I closed the door silently, too stunned to speak. As she backed out, she puckered up again and blew me another kiss before driving off. She looked extremely pleased with herself.
    A couple of minutes later, my phone chirped with her text tone. "3/3, it's official."
    I texted back, "Don't text and drive!" I got a rolling eye emoji in return. It did make me smile.
    After that, I made it a point to text her every day. She was apparently making it a point to respond promptly. I found the setting where we could change our available dating days and our next date was scheduled for a week from the Tuesday she came over. We went over our cover story a couple of times during the week just to make sure we had it down.
    According to April, Mom had eased up on her questioning during the week. That's because she was saving it all for me on Saturday morning. Thursday's dinner had been inquisition free and I kind of expected it.
    "What does Cassie do that she has to work nights on the weekend at the hospital? Is she a nurse or something?"
    "It's Callie, Mom. She does patient admissions or something administrative like that. People go to the hospital outside of regular business hours."
    "What does Daniel do? April said he explained it but it went over her head." That little shit.
    "He works for that big insurance company ...
    ... downtown, I think he's a property insurance adjuster or something." I tried to think of something that would sound complicated to me and that was the best I could do. "Trees fall on houses all the time."
    "Why is getting information out of you two like pulling teeth?" She was beyond exasperated.
    "Because neither one of us has had very good luck with getting dates. We have somebody we're seeing that we like and we don't want to jinx it. For the record, we haven't met their parents, either. We're just taking it slow. We're not trying to hide that they're drug dealers or serial killers." I was patient during my explanation, trying to sell our caution. It seemed to pacify her, at least temporarily, and I would take that.
    Thankfully, Mom put her weekly interrogation on hold during dinner, giving me time to update April on the additional details I had to add to our "dates" profiles. April volunteered to clean up and I volunteered to help her. Mom stared at us for a moment or two before thanking us. Dad still seemed to be on a happy streak, so I guessed that whatever was going on at work was good.
    "Sorry about that. She hit me with that question the other day and I went completely blank. That was a nice save." April bumped me with her hip as she rinsed dishes and I loaded the dishwasher.
    "Thanks. I don't think we're going to be able to do this all the time. She seemed suspicious."
    "Well, you never, ever do this until somebody puts a gun to your head. I'd be ...