1. My Unintentional Threesome Part One

    Date: 11/3/2023, Categories: True Story Anal Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Drug, Gay Threesome Transvestite, Author: Katie_Johnny

    ... to see if I could extract any more of it from his fat head that was still dripping from the hole.
    Tim replied, “Yeah, that’s exactly what Jerome said about it. He said it tasted like dessert.”
    This got me wondering a little bit as I was suckling his cock head for more delicious nectar, because from the way he was talking, it was sounding more and more like he and Jerome have something sexual of their own going on, despite him stating repeatedly that he wasn’t gay. I didn’t have a problem with it. After all, I was the one laid out in his truck bed and nursing cum out of his cock head, but I was definitely curious to know, if for nothing more than my own sake.
    “So, baby,” I said, while licking and sucking on his now flaccid cock that was beginning to harden again. “What’s the story with you and Jerome? Like, how does he know what your cum tastes like?”
    Tim seemed confused by my question, but tried to answer.
    “I mean, we hang out together, and jack off together while watching porn, but we don’t fuck each other. That would be gay.”
    I tried to rephrase what I was asking him.
    “Right, and I totally get that. I am cool with whatever the answer is, but when you’re doing that with him, I know you don’t fuck, but do you suck each other off?”
    He stammered for a minute, then said, “Barely ever. We have a couple of times, but mainly we just jack off separately, and sometimes taste each other’s loads. Occasionally we will both fuck a girl like you at the same time, ...
    ... and sometimes that leads to eating cum, but we have never fucked each other.”
    With those words, I felt my heartbeat intensifying. In all of my exploits, I had never been in a threesome of any sort. When I am alone and playing with my toys, the most frequent image that I conjure up in my mind is being the girl in between 2 guys. I imagine one of them being as deep inside of my mouth as he can be, while the other has my hips in his hands as he thrusts into my pussy.
    Making two men cum as they make me cum is my ultimate fantasy. I was still incredibly horny, and had only spurted a little bit of pre-cum into my panties as Tim was fucking my face. This was as close as I had ever been to making my dream come true, and I figured that I at least had to take a chance on seeing if I could make this fantasy into a reality, so I put on my charm as I was still licking and kissing his cock head.
    “Hey baby,” I said, as I licked from the base of his shaft and up to his head, “so you and Jerome have tag teamed girls like me in the past?”
    “Us?” he replied, as I had relocated my mouth to his balls and was gently sucking on them one by one, “oh, yeah, we’ve double teamed 2 or 3 girls in the past for sure. He’s my boy, we do lots of stuff together. Why are you asking?”
    I just went for it. “How would you two like to go back in your house with me and fuck me silly? I’ve never done that before, and think about it a lot. Can Jerome cum multiple times like you?”
    “Aw, yeah” he said, ...