My Unintentional Threesome Part One
Date: 11/3/2023,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Author: Katie_Johnny
... down a lane and angled towards me, and my heart was popping out of my chest as he did.
He pulled up, said hello and smiled, then told me to get into my car and follow him. I did as I was told. He lived about 5 minutes from the parking lot, and I followed him down a pitch black driveway to the back of the house, where we both parked. I dunno who has or hasn’t hooked up online before, but there is an overwhelming sense of anxiousness and nervousness involved in it on some level. All of those feelings are amplified if you’re dressing up like a slutty girl and meeting a man at his house.
I pulled in, checked my face one more time, and waited for him to get out of his truck and approach me before getting out of my car. My pulse was in my throat as I heard him close his door and come walking towards me. He lit up a cigarette, and walked to my car door, then gave me a friendly wave and smile through the window, and motioned for me to get out. I did as I was told. As I got out, he opened his arms and waved his hands towards me, nonverbally telling me to bring it in for a hug, and so I did. He hugged me real tight, and gave me a peck on the cheek. I squeezed him back, and smiled real big for him as he “inspected the goods.”
“You look real pretty,” he said, “what’s your name?”
There was something sweet, innocent, and young about his voice. I hadn’t been with a younger man ever before, which was kind of odd in a way, but also kind of exciting!
I replied, “I’m Katie, ...
... and it’s nice to finally meet you!”
I could tell he was really self-conscious about being with me, for whatever reason. He asked if I wanted a cigarette, and I told him I had my own as I lit up in his dark backyard. I grabbed my drink and leaned back against the car suggestively as I took a drag off of my smoke. He was sheepishly smiling, I could tell he was nervous, but was also really enjoying having me in his presence.
“You look really pretty,” he said, again.
I laughed and smiled at him, then said, “We’ve already established that, mister! You look hot as hell as well.”
I inadvertently winked and licked my lips as I said it, and he smiled really big and got embarrassed, which was adorable. He apologized with a sheepish grin, threw his cigarette down, and began walking towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Leaning in close to me, he said, “Do you mind if I kiss you?”
I told him I thought he would never ask, and gravitated my pink sparkly lips towards his as he moved towards me. Our lips locked sensuously and gently. We were both breathing heavy, and as he was running his hands from my waist to my puckering ass, I was running my fingers through his hair, and all along his shoulders. He had a really tight body with really strong shoulders, and I let him know that in between kisses.
“You must work out a lot to have such strong shoulders,” I said, as I sweetly pecked at his lips and cheeks.
He whispered, ...