A Dream Come True Ch. 03
Date: 11/1/2023,
Author: byBeeferin
... quickly. Willow was nearly as submissive as Emma was, one of the few things they truly shared in common, and despite numerous attempts to get him to fuck her again, he drew the line in the sand for once and kept it purely to oral. She begrudgingly accepted the ultimatum. It at least allowed him to get a taste of her, just as sweet as Emma, another thing they shared. There were a few times when he'd fucked her sizable breasts, and the closest he'd gotten to being tempted to fuck her again was when he lubed up her thighs and grind his cock between them, a different sensation than he was used to but no less exquisite. Each time his cock brushed against the warm, soaked slit of his little sister, he felt himself get a little closer to throwing caution to the wind.
Returning home caused him a bit of anxiety, though primarily because he wasn't sure if Emma was there or not. It was nice to get away from his apartment for a while, and being back at his childhood home even a few days reminded him that he'd always wanted to buy a home and had simply gotten too comfortable where he was, and ultimately, just too complacent. He'd always told himself he'd always aim higher, never stagnate, but he'd broken that promise to himself as well. He set a note for himself in his phone when he arrived back at his apartment building to go looking at houses being sold near his work.
As he climbed out of his car, he noticed that Emma's was still there in the guest parking spot, a tan Nissan ...
... Versa. He stared quietly at it for a moment, then decided it'd be better to brave whatever was to come than to submit to cowardice and run away again. If he wound up back at his parent's old house, no doubt Willow would suspect it and give him no end of shit over it, so it was this or a hotel, and frankly, he was never a fan of hotels.
With no small amount of apprehension, he unlocked and opened the door, stepping inside. It was morning, so no real surprise when the lights and TV were off. He flipped the lights on and peeked into his bedroom, noting the sleeping form of Emma underneath the covers. He let her be, moving into the kitchen, discovering that everything had been cleaned, and the fridge was stocked. Not everything was stuff he'd eat, things like yogurt and blueberries that gave it away, but she did have the mind to get breakfast food. So he grabbed some eggs, bacon, and bread, and started making something.
He decided to get a little fancier than usual. He made toads in the hole, which was as simple as buttering the toast, cutting out the center with a cookie cutter, and cracking an egg in the middle as it cooked in the pan. The bacon was just to give a little variety. As the coffee began to brew, it awakened the woman that had been sleeping in his bed. She sleepily shuffled her way into the kitchen, looking like she'd had a rough night, and paused when she saw him.
"Oh. Hey."
Mike didn't even look back at her. "Good morning. Go ahead and sit down if you want ...