A Dream Come True Ch. 03
Date: 11/1/2023,
Author: byBeeferin
Author's Note: Looks like incest is back on the menu, boys. Thanks for your patience. I'll try not to get too distracted in the future.
"No shit?" Emma asked Mike, seated on the couch next to him.
"No shit. She's pregnant now," Mike admitted, with a hint of pride in his voice and on his face. He'd fully expected Emma to be jealous or upset over it, but she seemed, at least for the moment, incredulous. "I took a bunch of pictures of it." He took a moment to show her some of the ones he'd taken of Lucrezia using his cell phone, all in generally compromising positions, but most of them with a smile on her face or a look of pure lust. There were plenty of her in a number of different poses, mostly seductive, but a few were tasteful. If not for the lower quality of a cell phone camera, they could've been actual nude model pictures.
Emma leaned back as she watched him slide from picture to picture, sipping at her beer, mulling over the recent revelations of what had happened in her absence. "And at no point during that exchange at the pool did you think maybe you shouldn't fuck the baby-crazy rich model lady? That it might all come back on you in the distant or near future?"
"I, uh.." Mike paused his scrolling. His head tilted a little to one side, curious what she was going for. He couldn't deny that she had a point there, though. Once again, he'd let his small head do the thinking for him. So far it hadn't come back to haunt him, but now she was starting to ...
... make him second guess himself.
"And I mean, even if by some miracle her having your child doesn't come back on you, what if she had a disease?"
Luckily, he'd thought a step ahead, and gotten himself tested once everything was said and done, and he was clean. Case in point, he stood up and crossed the small living room to the little stand near his door, plucking an envelope off of it and tossing it at her. "Read 'em and weep."
She cocked an eyebrow as she caught the envelope, checked the contents quietly for a moment, then rolled her eyes. "Okay, so you got lucky there." She tossed away the envelope carelessly, as if doing so would help her seem like he hadn't at least gotten her there. "I admire that you're the sort of guy that goes for what he wants, little brother, but you really need to use the big head more than the little head."
"Did you use your head when you listened to Rachel telling you I had regular dreams about fucking you, came over here, and then actually let me fuck you?" Mike shot back at her, mild annoyance in his voice. "You didn't know if I had any diseases either, and shit, what if your IUD didn't work? I came inside you, what, six, seven times that weekend? You could've gotten pregnant a hundred times over."
Emma narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't you throw this back on me, I can do whatever I want to do, and when I choose to do something, I know it's the right thing to do! I consider every decision I make carefully!"
"So can I!" Mike grumbled ...