1. A New Life

    Date: 10/28/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byAuthorSarahJames

    ... teasing him. "Fill me up, son. Fill your mommy with cum."
    Once he finished, my son laid his head on my shoulder. "Thank you, Mommy."
    As my ex hurried away, I said, "I love you, baby, but we better get going."
    I barely got my door closed as my son put the transmission in drive and pulled away. I felt my son running out of me as he made a right turn onto the street in front of the restaurant. I knew my seat was going to need a good cleaning before anyone could ride passenger again.
    "Do you have my panties," I asked, as I searched around the dark interior.
    "There," my son said, pointing through the windshield. My panties were hooked on the end of the wiper, but as soon as I saw them, the wind broke them loose and sent them sliding up the windshield and across the roof. "You don't need them anyway," he added, as he steered onto the freeway toward home.
    *** ***
    I slept better that night than I had in years. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the release of pent-up orgasms, but regardless, when I awoke that next morning, I was refreshed. I could tell by the brightness in the room, the sun had already been up for several hours. I rolled over and opened my eyes to an empty spot beside me. That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks.
    "Fuck!", I said aloud. A wall of guilt fell upon me. I read and heard stories of mothers who seduced their sons and I always thought that I could never do that. Those women were psychos. What woman in their right mind would take ...
    ... advantage of their own son?
    I felt a stickiness between my legs and a sickness in my stomach as I crept toward the bedroom door. I stopped and listened as if I was a stranger in someone else's house. Maybe I was a stranger. I didn't know who I was anymore. Satisfied the house was quiet, I shuffled into the bathroom to shower. I tried washing away the previous night's sins, but the more I scrubbed, the more I thought about my lovely son calling me Mommy as he rocketed his juices inside me.
    Out of the shower, I stepped into the hallway where I slid on a royal blue thong. I noticed my son's door was half open. I peeked inside to see him still asleep. The grey sheet barely covered his left leg as his gorgeous body was stretched out. His dick rested on his right thigh. It took everything in me to stop me from going in there and taking him in my mouth. Against my inner demoness, I left him be and went downstairs and would wait for him to wake up to see if he wanted to discuss our date.
    I poured a cup of coffee as I looked over my nearly nude body. I figured there was no way my son could be upset if he saw me topless. Anyway, I waited, and I waited. Was that boy ever going to wake up? I had just finished my third cup when I heard him turn the corner of the kitchen. I kept my back to him as I washed the mug. I fumbled the mug in the sink as I waited for him to break the ice. I didn't hear him as he snuck up behind me. I felt his naked body press against mine.
    "Are we not ...