A New Life
Date: 10/28/2023,
Author: byAuthorSarahJames
It had been a lonely couple of years since my husband walked out on me for his co-worker. That bastard claimed the world would never be the same since the pandemic interrupted our lives. He stated that he only had one life to live, and he wanted to fulfil all his dreams, goals, and fantasies. Our son and I just were not part of his future. Looking back, I guess I may have had some suspicions of his cheating, but I believe I ignored them because I just didn't care.
At the time of this story, it had been nearly a year since my divorce was finalized. I was fortunate enough to find a work-from-home job during the pandemic. I will never be rich, but I did earn enough to take care of myself and help my son when his part-time job just wasn't enough.
"Bruh," the fully developed voice said, as my son entered the kitchen.
"Braxton," I said as a sarcastic warning to my son as he poured orange juice into a glass. "What did I tell you about calling me, Bruh?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my early Monday morning voice.
"Would you rather me call you, Lori?" he fired back.
I could see the smirk grow into a full-grown smile as he momentarily turned toward me. My son graduated from high school a few months earlier. He had grown into a handsome six foot-two tall man. As he sipped his drink, I couldn't help but notice that the years on the swim team and the hard work in the gym had paid off. He was by no means one of those guys who spent six hours a day in the gym with ...
... the goals of being a bodybuilder. Braxton had a slim, but chiseled physique.
"How about Mom?" I asked. "Or I'll even settle for Ma at this point." Secretly, I wish he would call me, Mommy, as he did when he was my little boy. "What plans do you have this weekend?" I asked, just trying to get my son to have a conversation with me. It's no secret that Braxton and I hadn't been very close since his father left. A fifteen-year-old boy needed his father. I did the best I could over the previous three years, but I know I wasn't what a young man needed.
He wiped a fresh waterdrop from his chest with an index finger. I watched another droplet fall from freshly showered dark hair as he turned toward the sink. I watched as his muscles flexed nonchalantly as he reached for the faucet.
"Well," he began as he rinsed his glass in the sink. Amanda and I are going out Friday night to celebrate our one year together." Braxton slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts as if he was readjusting the elastic. "I made reservations at Julios."
*** ***
Later that day, I arrived home from the gym. Like many other people, I gained a few pounds during the pandemic and then adding a depressional divorce sure didn't help. I was finally down to my goal of one hundred fifty-five pounds. Although, I would never be able to fit into my high school-day jeans, because of the curves my body has taken since childbirth. I was happy to work off some of the small pouch and excess fat that had ...