Whispers of the Past
Date: 10/24/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123
... She just turned 20 and is starting her Sophomore year in college this fall and you think she's a virgin?" "That is pretty naïve on my part isn't it?" Beth laughed at my admission and then looked extremely serious. "What your little Milly needs now is a real man to show her the ropes." I sat silently for a moment contemplating. The thing about Beth is she likes fast responses especially after she makes any high-risk comments. Otherwise, she assumes the worst. So, I simply responded with the word "Mulling" so she knew I was considering her comments and this always puts her at ease. I gathered my thoughts while Beth finished her coffee I decided to ask some questions. "How long have you been thinking about this?" "It's kind of evolved. I mean I would see how affectionate Milly was with you and it would take me back to my past. A couple of years ago when Milly turned 18 I realized I was her age when I began my journey and I just feel like young people these days are less mature than when we were growing up so I decided to wait. So yeah, probably a couple of years." "And you assumed the best way to introduce the idea was to share about your past?" "I'm not sure I was that calculating. I didn't even plan on disclosing that." she paused becoming reflective, " But as it turned out, you pulled something out of me, something that maybe you sensed all along." "That's fair," I responded. "Next question, Have you already introduced this idea to ...
... Milly?" With a sly smile, she asked, "Do you remember early in the summer when I took Milly shopping?" "I do." "And we came home a little tipsy and you gave me grief since she was underage?" "I do" "And she crawled up in your lap and was so affectionate asking you to go easy on me?" "Now that you mention it, she was a little out of character at that time but I assumed it was the alcohol." "She was trying to get you hard to see if she could talk you into showing her the ropes back then." "Are you serious?" I raised my voice a little more than expected. Beth didn't respond and appeared a little ashamed. "Look, Beth, we are in and have been in a monogamous relationship for over 30 years. I would have never considered something like this just out of the blue." Beth jumped on that opening and asked, "But you would consider it with my permission and endorsement?" "Let me ask you a question. You said you thought this arraignment was Aunt Cathy's kink. Do you think some of that rubbed off on you?" "Oh for sure. I've just never had the boldness to act on it but I guess the timing just feels right." "You know I've always said that I'm down to help make all of your fantasies come true," "That's what you've said. But what about you? I mean have you ever fantasized about Milly?" "Look honey, I'm a man. A well-restrained man at that but I can't confirm or deny what is rolling around in my perverted brain from time to time." That brought a giggle out of ...