1. Employee Two

    Date: 9/18/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byiWriter4U

    ... have one more question,' I told her.
    "Go ahead!"
    "Everyone has been with my brother, are there any odd ones?" I asked, hoping she knew what I meant.
    "Odd ones?" she responded.
    "Yeah," I replied. "Are there any that don't fit the mold, so to speak?"
    She nodded quickly and replied, "Yes, some of the girls aren't exactly straight, per se. I am bisexual, myself. We have a couple others who are bisexual as well and we have one who is a lesbian."
    "Did he..." I began to ask without figuring out how to end the question.
    "No, he watched while I was with her. She caters exclusively to our female clientele who seek female lovers and some of us who swing both ways fill in from time to time."
    "So, you work both men and women?"
    She nodded.
    "Yep, I like both. I was a confused twenty something when I came here, and your brother let me have my choice of both options. I think I have the most influence in the bisexual community because I've been with both for a few years, and I sincerely have no preference."
    "That makes more sense," I told her.
    "Also, since the topic came up, as part of being your mentor, we will have sexual contact with each other, but my clothes remain on at all times. Dylan developed the training program a couple years ago and he did it with the thought that the girls would feel safer being trained by another woman instead of a man. Will that be okay?"
    "Can we revisit that later?"
    "Of course! As I said, I know it's a lot to take ...
    ... it."
    With that, I began my new life. The kids went to school during the day while I worked in the lobby reception. After hours, I was working out and learning how to play my role. In a cruder sense, I was also learning how to be a good whore. I met with Mom often and asked a lot of questions during the initial part of my journey. Dylan was busy and I came to learn how much time he took out of his routine for me that first day and I came to appreciate his love for me. The other girls noted that while they went through the same process I did regarding the interview, he never engaged with them like he did with me as far as setting everything up for me. They weren't bitter about it in the least. They thought it was sweet that he was looking after me.
    Once I established a workout routine and I had my persona established, Jennifer introduced me to something entirely new to me.
    "Dylan was very happy with your performance, but I need to make sure you learn the ground rules and what to do when clients do certain things. Your self defense classes are good if you ever find yourself in a threatening situation, but sometimes the situation is not threatening. Clients like to carry their emotions with them and will try to treat you like a lover, not the professional they hired."
    I looked at her curiously.
    "We don't get involved with our clients, Kacey. You should avoid kissing at all times. Never offer additional services and for the love of everything holy,never meet ...