1. Employee Two

    Date: 9/18/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byiWriter4U

    ... My plans would have me graduating a year early and she was so proud of me. Just when I thought my life was headed in the direction that I always wanted it to go, my brother called our house one day. I cried into the phone, sometimes yelling at him, and begging for him to come home. He always told me he couldn't but never told me why. He promised me that he wasn't gone forever, and things needed to be worked out before we could meet again.
    He would call occasionally and talk to me, and he would tell me how proud he was of me. I would ask him why he left me, and he'd always change the subject. When I cried and begged for an answer, he told me I was too young to learn about life in that way. I didn't know what he meant but the more he kept saying it, the more I wanted to know what he knew. Regardless, I moved on with my life without him.
    Things were going according to plan leading up to my junior year of high school. Mom tried to warn me that I was putting too much on my plate, but I had tunnel vision. I was so set on graduating early that it didn't sink in that an entire year's worth of Advanced Placement and college level courses would be too much for me. She tried explaining that I didn't need all those credits to graduate when I planned. She tried so hard to pull the reins and protect me from my own motivation, but I wasn't having it. Until then, it was always quality over quantity but somewhere between my sophomore and junior years, those wires got crossed.
    I ...
    ... ended up dropping out of a single AP class due to imminent failure, but because I needed at least a single credit in that subject, I was forced to move to a less advanced version. It was that series of events which brought me in contact with a boy name Jerry. I had never bothered dating as I made reading and studying my entire world. Jerry was an average kid with average goals. He had no ambition to speak of, either. In every measurable way I could imagine, we should never have gotten together. It was the attention he gave me and the way he showed me off to his friends. My mom and brother were both proud of me because of my intelligence and goals. He was proud of me for everything else.
    Despite counseling from Mom and the few friends I had, I continued to date Jerry well into my first year in college. We were both eighteen and as I was walking around on campus, he was moving from class to class still in high school. I was at the community college simply bridging a few gaps before I moved out of state to attend a prestigious university I had been accepted into. They made no requirement for me to obtain extra credits but my guidance counselor in high school suggested them while I wait.
    I should not have waited.
    I should have ditched Jerry and went straight to the university. Jerry had finally worn me down. Kissing and making out never bothered me. It was when he got roaming hands that I put a stop to things. One night, he said all the right things and I let him skip the ...