1. The Island, Chapter 9

    Date: 11/17/2017, Categories: Fiction Erotica Exhibitionism Voyeurism Young Author: Paperbackwriter

    ... Musketeers, went first in quick succession. Allison was next, and treated me to the sight of her barely covered body sailing through the air to crash land into the water. After Jared and Brandon had their turns, Juhee made the jump. I was delighted to see her top fly off on impact, releasing her lovely brown breasts for my viewing pleasure. She quickly pulled it back on, but apparently decided that maybe jumping 10 feet into a pool with a 2-piece suit was not such a good idea. I privately disagreed, but she didn’t ask my opinion. Looking for Janie, I saw she had pulled Christopher to his feet and was pointing at the jumpers and saying something in his ear. The poor kid didn’t realize his boner was poking out though the fly of his boxers. He had a pretty sizable hard-on, at least 6 inches long, circumcised and bright pink. Ashley picked up on it right away, since she had been scoping Christopher out since we had gotten here. She punched her sister on the shoulder and pointed at the protruding prick. They giggled at each other and stared at his bare penis avidly. These two are going to be a double handful soon, if not already , I thought to myself. Little nymphos at 13. Their fun was spoiled when Janie tapped him on the shoulder and, gesturing to his crotch subtly, alerted him to his wardrobe malfunction. He turned beet red and tucked himself back in, turning away from her and stumbling out of the pool. I saw her chase him into the trees, calling after him, no doubt to ...
    ... reassure him that it was OK and to “comfort” him. Kid, you are in for a real treat now , I thought, grinning. My musings were cut short by a dogpile of giggling girls who jumped onto my back, startling me. Morgan and Madison habitually climbed any instructor they saw, and the fact that we were all half naked didn’t seem to bother them. Morgan made it all the way to my shoulders, then sat there proudly, queen of the world, while Madison hung onto my back like a monkey. Soon Mackenzie jumped on my lap, nearly landing on my erect woody. She tried to pull Morgan off my shoulders, squirming and laughing as she pulled on the younger girl’s dangling legs. Morgan squealed and tightened her gripping thighs about my neck, holding on for dear life. Madison joined the fray, defending her friend and trying to push Mackenzie off my lap. I became acutely aware of their nubile young bodies as they writhed against me. Madison’s bare nipples were rubbing across my back as she clung to me, and I could feel Morgan’s little mound grinding against the back of my neck through the thin cotton of her panties. If the water had not been so cool, I would have been sweating bullets at this point. Periodically Mackenzie’s thrashing legs would knock into my turgid penis as she struggled, and after the 4th or 5th time, I began to wonder if she were doing it on purpose. I didn’t discourage her, because I was beyond horny by now. I almost moaned aloud when her bouncing at one point planted her succulent little tit ...