1. The Island, Chapter 9

    Date: 11/17/2017, Categories: Fiction Erotica Exhibitionism Voyeurism Young Author: Paperbackwriter

    ... of the fish’s mouth. “Oh, no! It’s gone!” “Take it easy!” I laughed. “One little tug to set the hook, and then wind the line slowly, and don’t let it go slack.” Rodney got the next bite, and had more success. “Look at me!” he crowed, holding the struggling silver fish in the air. “I’m a real outdoorsman!” I helped him get it off the hook and into a large plastic bin we had filled with seawater. The fish were amazingly cooperative, I guess because they had never seen humans before. Pretty soon our live well was roiling with a multicolored bonanza. I hoped someone at camp knew which ones were good eating. I figured the others could be made into more bait. We paddled back to the beach, drunk with success and singing extemporaneous sea shanties. I suggested they ask Horace to show them how to clean the fish, since I had a date with the TKD students. I collected a hug from Sharon, then surprisingly one from Rodney, as well. I patted him on the back and walked over to the Girl’s Club. “You guys ready? I asked. They were mostly in uniform, having all brought them on the trip for the classes we had expected to take in Seoul. Allison, the oldest, said “Almost. Morgan and Juhee still haven’t come back out of the woods. They’re changing.” “OK,” I said. “I’ll get the boys and we’ll assemble down by the water where the sand is harder.” I quickly changed myself, sneaking a peek at Janie’s tits while she slipped her uniform top over her head behind the towel we had hung up for privacy. ...
    ... She caught me staring and stuck her tongue out at me. Collecting the boys, including Connor, who insisted on dressing out even though he could only watch, we assembled by the water. I had Christopher run the warmups, and I caught Janie’s eye as he led us through stretching and some cardio exercises. She smiled and licked her lips, and I had to struggle a little, since it is difficult to exercise with a boner. By now we had collected quite a few spectators. After we finished warmups, I announced that the J. S. Lee Demo Team would now amaze them with feats of strength and skill. We had a pretty good routine worked out, with the team running through several forms in unison, then each student performing a few chosen kicks. The teens did some group kicking drills, with some impressive tornado kicks and a few flying kicks over some of the smaller kids. Janie and I had practiced a finale, with each of us simultaneously but in opposite directions kicking apples held on the tips of swords with a back flip. We had to make do with mangoes on bamboo, but it went well. We got a big round of applause, and I announced that each day or two we would run a class for anyone who was interested. I suggested a team swim in the freshwater pool by the waterfall to cool off, since we were all pretty hot and sweaty by then. I had expected everyone to put on bathing suits, but the kids ran cheering into the jungle without hesitation. Janie and I followed, and by the time we got there, I was a little ...