1. Court Record Chapter Eight

    Date: 11/15/2017, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... them, missed Sarah incredibly, and were almost angry she had not come back this year, and most curious as to why. They were quickly introduced to Clem as cabin mates from past years. It was explained there were four girls per cabin and together with a gal named Joyce these three had been cabin mates for four seasons. Kimberly was the leader for most questions. The dialog was back and forth, very rapid, and centered on what in the hell had gotten so important that Sarah had decided not to return this summer. Question came fast and Sarah tried to provide safe answers…she was working…money for college…Vassar…in love with guy at home…still practicing...maybe music major, maybe business…has she heard from Kenny? Back and forth the dialog continued, only broken when Carla Marie said she had to run to a quick rehearsal and asked if Sarah could join her. Sarah declined, but Carla Marie insisted. There were two hours until the concert and it would be fun if Sarah would accompany. Clem remained at the lake as Carla Marie took Sarah by the hand and headed for a nearby building from which emanated a music cacophony. Clem walked back a few steps to sit on a bench. Kimberly joined him. Immediately, he felt almost nude. No protection. No quick minded Sarah to take charge in a tough situation and give him time to think. Alone with him, Kimberly became a real chatterbox. She continued Carla Marie’s line of questions without a pause. She was obviously very curious about Sarah and what she ...
    ... had done this summer instead of music camp. She went beyond direct questions of why Sarah had not returned this year; edging into personal topics, perhaps trying to open thing up. Anne, the forth cabin mate last year had not returned either and it was speculated she might have gotten pregnant while here. No one knew if Anne had actually married the guy for no one had talked to either of them. Clem sat quietly as Kimberly probed; answering questions where he felt he was safe. In general he said very little. He was not going to talk about Sarah’s motivation not to return, except to say perhaps she might have out grown the music camp. He just did not know from limited conversations whether she had really enjoyed being up here particularly as she got older. Clem could notice a strange look on Kimberly’s face. The conversation took a detour, “I like your name Mr. Warren. Scotty has always been one of my favorite names. Do you work for the Wanewrite’s? Are you into music? Do you teach?” After about a dozen personal questions floated out over the lake, avoided and unanswered; it became clear Kimberly was trying to establish what kind of relationship he had with Sarah. He wanted to keep the conversation on something safe. He went back to the previous topic, “Sarah really enjoys her music. I was quite surprised when she chose not to attend this summer. I can only think she must have had some disappointments up here last year.” It was his feeble attempt to get back to a safe topic so ...