Court Record Chapter Eight
Date: 11/15/2017, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho
... instructed staff to load the bags in the trunk of the car. There was absolutely no coercion, in fact Sarah was most anxious to leave. In reality her camping experience was not back at Evenrude but rather at Apple Valley Orchards. They simply drove the ten miles down the country road and Clem unload her bags right back up the steps. Sarah was crying tears of joy as she unpacked everything again as Scotty fixed a lunch for out at the picnic table. Right away it turned into another grand camping experience; days for the two of them to be together in the orchards; early evenings outside eating at the old picnic table, later on the front porch glider in quiet conversation, then nights to be remembered forever. Later in deposition, Sheriff Jacks stated he clearly remembered driving by Apple Valley one Saturday evening and seeing Clem and Sarah sitting on the porch. Nothing seemed awry. New York authorities had forewarned him she would be spending time at Apple Valley Orchards with her uncle. It was later testified that Sarah did report home a few times during this period. Jayson testified his brief telephone conversations with Sarah were always positive. She seemed very happy and upbeat. The summer had returned to normal at the estate. The final big weekend at Evenrude fell just two weeks after Sarah had returned to Apple Valley. It was really close to the end of summer, she and Clem had been working especially long hours getting ready for the pickers. Something special had to ...
... be done to celebrate. Three phone calls and Sarah had two tickets coming from Evenrude for the last Saturday evening concert of the Detroit Symphony. In addition, she was receiving two free tickets for the Saturday afternoon performance of the Evenrude juniors. This concert included solo performances on violin and harp by two of Sarah’s former classmates. At dinner Friday night they got into an interesting conversation. It was clear, a long weekend at Evenrude opened up possibilities for complicated even dangerous situations. It was a classic dichotomy. On one hand there was the excitement of being at Evenrude, together, where undoubtedly a lot of people would know Sarah and wonder about the relationship she was in. On the other side it gave them unprecedented exposure to possible legal authorities and questions. Thus they decided to simply go up on Saturday morning, attend the concerts together, spend the night at the Brighton Inn right there on campus and return Sunday morning. It was impossible to contemplate all the things that could happen, but it was short enough to be relatively safe. Their conversation ended with a consideration that was a little scary. Attending the concerts at Evenrude provided a dangerous dimension which excited both of them. Were they becoming addicted to the strange tensions associated with living on the edge? They drove the four hours to the Evenrude Institute on the Saturday morning. It was mid August, they arrived just before noon. Clem was ...