Court Record Chapter Eight
Date: 11/15/2017,
True Story
Male / Female Teens,
Written by women
Author: Barbiebnympho
... engaged speculating on the gorgeous woman named Sarah on his arm, and the outrageous possibilities for rumors their relationship offered. Their seats were good. The Detroit is one of the finest in the country. The program was varied and interesting. Clem stayed awake. He loved good music, but tonight there was additional motivation keeping him awake. He was completely, wildly in love with the alluring, svelte, girl beside him who had not let go of him for the past two hours. Currently, she was sitting as close as the seat permitted. She had taken his hand into her lap and tightly enclosed it in both of hers. The lights were not that low. Her glances were way too obvious. So what! They were together and in love. The music was grand, a summer festival of the three big B’S, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. Intermission came too quickly. In prior times, in different circumstances, they might have just stayed seated for the fifteen minutes, but not tonight. We all have experienced the euphoric feeling that overcomes people in love. It often speaks louder than reason, and this was just one of those times. Together they stood, still hand in hand and proceeded up the isle to the back. It was a short intermission, but plenty of time for people to stretch, grab a wine, and gab a bit. It was exciting to be together passing up the aisle. It seemed ever eye was on them. At the back they moved through the crowd, at this time mostly adults, and found a spot to stand next to a pillar. None of the ...
... student bunch seemed to be up there. No one had found them. Clem asked Sarah if she wanted something to drink. She declined. They quietly stood close together enjoying the pleasant summer breeze coming through the large opening behind them. They were still standing very close when Sarah saw a small group coming through the crowd. Right away she recognized Kenny and two other couples she knew. They had not seen her. She turned directly toward Scotty hoping they wouldn’t, “There is Kenny.” Was all she got to say as Scotty looked up over her and saw him approaching. He had left the rest of the group and was coming directly over. It was obvious he had been drinking. He walked up and took Sarah’s arm turning her toward him. He was slurring, “What the hell is up with you girl? It is one thing for you not to say goodbye, or contact me, or come back; but now you show up like this. You will never know the hell you put me through. All the rumors I have had to deal with…” Clem reached over and took Kenny’s hand forcefully from Sarah’s arm. In one motion Kenny spun toward him and threw a round house punch straight at Clem’s face. There was a slapping sound as Clem’s right hand caught his arm in mid air. There was a shuffling sound as Kenny’s arm was taken up behind his back and he walked in front of Clem out the entry about ten feet away. Sarah stood alone, frozen in time; another disaster. The others came over. Asked what happen. Offered to help her. By then other students including ...