We hate clothes - part 04
Date: 11/14/2017, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Male / Female Teens, Teen Female/Teen Female, Written by women Young Author: vanessa.evans
... rain-check on that?” I asked. “Oh, you want some more tomorrow; you’d better be a bad girl then. ”I’ll think about that.” I said. The guys left and we got in the shower. We soaped the sweat and remaining off each other, not touching the other’s butt. When we got out we looked in the mirror; Jude’s butt was red, but mine was worse, we could see bright red lines all across it. We decided to go down to the pool for a while and as we walked passed some of the guys we got asked if we’d been naughty girls. “Yeah,” Jude said, “Dad spanked us last night because we’d spent too much of his money.” One or two of the guys laughed but I’m sure that they didn’t know whether to believe Jude or not. I wasn’t too comfortable on the sun lounger so I was the first to get into the pool. It wasn’t long before a ball appeared, others dived in and another groping game started. We took out towels up to our room, put our Ben Waaaaa balls in and left the hotel with only our sandals with us. We walked out of town to the nudist beach with the steel balls clunking away. As we walked along that beach we saw a man sat in a sort of recess in the edge of the beach. He was playing with his cock and looking at us. We stopped and watched him for a few seconds then decided to go and sit not far from him so that he could watch us better and we could watch him better. Without any communication, Jude and I both started rubbing our pussies. It was a sort of mutual masturbation session as the 3 of us all made ...
... ourselves cum whilst looking at each other. We’d already cum when he shot his load onto the sand and as soon as he’d finished we got up and walked off. We stopped further down the beach, sunbathed and swam then decided to walk some more. We left the beach and walked along the road back in the general direction of the resort. A couple of cars beeped there horn at us but we didn’t know if it was just to let us know that they were there, or because we were naked. We passed through a little residential area that was quite quiet apart from a couple of teenagers (1 boy+1 girl) who stared at us, and the girl giggled as we walked away from them. It wasn’t long before we were back in our resort and wanting a drink. We found a café and flashed passers-by for a while. Dinner was un-eventful. As was the evening stroll and drink and ice cream in a café with Dad and Max; apart from the fact that our little steel balls kept our interest in sex in the front of our minds. DAY 13 – horse riding As soon as we woke up we looked at each other’s butts and were relieved and sad that all the red marks had gone. “I’ll ask Aiden to hit my butt harder next time.” I said. Jude wasn’t so sure. We were up early because it was horse riding day. We were and weren’t looking forward to it. On the one hand we’d never been horse riding before but on the other hand were having such good fun (and other things) at the hotel and beach. But we’d promised Dad so he went. We had to have an early breakfast and didn’t see ...