1. We hate clothes - part 04

    Date: 11/14/2017, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Male / Female Teens, Teen Female/Teen Female, Written by women Young Author: vanessa.evans

    We hate clothes by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 04 DAY 11 We woke up on top of the bed, heads at opposite ends and the dildo still joining us. I was awake first but I didn’t want to disturb Jude so I just lay there looking out of the window. After a while I saw that we had a voyeur; a face from the room the other side to Jacob and Aiden kept appearing then disappearing. It was so quick that I couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman. Having nothing better to do than get turned on by knowing that someone was looking at our naked bodies, complete with a dildo joining them, I turned my head the other way and let them get on with it. I must have dozed off because the next thing that I knew was the sound of Jacob singing on his balcony. Jude was coming round too so I shouted, “Morning Jacob.” He looked over the little wall and saw our tangled bodies. He watched as Jude and I get off the bed. As we did so the dildo slipped out of Jude and I was left standing there with half of it hanging outof my pussy. “Nice.” Jacob said. “Stop it; it’s a girl thing.” I replied. Pulling the dildo out of me I joined Jude on our balcony to get some fresh air to fully wake us up. Aiden had joined Jacob and after saying hello he asked us what we had planned for the day. “Don’t rush out when you get back from breakfast; we may just be able to make you an ...
    ... offer.” Jacob said then went straight into their room. Aiden shrugged his shoulders and went inside. We went down to breakfast in our usual attire - just the see thru scarfs round our hips. As we walked in we saw Jacob and Aiden sat to one side so we got our food and went and joined them. “Wow,” Jacob said, “I thought that they had a strict dress code in the restaurant.” “Only on an evening;” Jude replied, “we’ve been coming down to breakfast like this for a week now and no one has said anything.” As we ate we talked about what there was in the surrounding area and the tours that we’d been on. We told them all about the couple on the beach and the men at the zoo. As soon as we left the restaurant both Jude and I un-tied the scarfs and walked back to our room naked. Jacob and Aiden joined us on our balcony and we pointed out the things that we could see that we knew what they were. Jacob looked a bit pensive and he was looking down at the floor as he started to talk, “Kate, Jude, I’ve had this idea that will make us all happy. How about I give you both another massage and then I let Aiden massage you while I tell him what to do.” Both Jude and I eagerly waited for the rest. “You see, I’ve been trying to train Aiden for a few weeks now but he’s still got a lot to learn and needs a lot of practice. We need some willing subjects. I was wondering if you 2 would mind letting him loose on your bodies?” “Yes,” was the quick girly, stereo reply. “Well, hang on a minute, there’s a catch. ...