1. Just wanted to vent and get my story out

    Date: 11/9/2017, Categories: True Story Non-Erotic, Author: OneDepressedGuy

    ... started to fool around. The others kissed, I was nervous and didn’t know what to do, she didn’t really speak English and I didn’t really speak Spanish. My ride took enough time from his own honey to whisper to me a few words. I nodded and repeated them as best I could with my clumsy American accented tongue. Next thing I knew, the girl I was with blushed deeply, some feat considering her naturally dark skin pigment. But she smiled at me, and I guessed that she liked with I said. Apparently, what I had said to her was something along the lines of “I want to eat you out” because she didn’t kiss me like the other two couples were doing. She pushed her jeans down, to about her knees, and spread her legs a little and looked at me. My ride again came to my rescue and told me that she wanted me to lick her pussy before I fucked her. Now remember Nevada? Now 7 or so years in my rearview mirror at that point? Well, also remember me saying that I had lost a lot of my innocence there? Well, without knowing what I was doing when I was 6, I had already eat a girl out. Now, I’m not really sure even today if it counted. I was 6 and she was 7, neither of us were anyway close to hitting puberty at that point, which funny enough was the reason I got to lick her pussy. A little side story to make things clearer. There was this girl that was my sisters friend, there were actually two sisters, both mine and them, but for the moment I will talk about Erin, the younger sister, the one that I lost ...
    ... of lot of my innocence to. Erin was half white half black, I didn’t really care about it back then, I was 6 and childhood innocence and all that. Well, being little kids in Nevada we played out in the desert. And aside from the sagebrush, or whatever the bushes are called, there are cactuses and dirtbike trails cut into the hills. Erin and I were out after a small rain running along these dirtbike trails like we did for fun. We found a piece of rotted wood and decided that it would be fun if we used it as a bridge across what we thought of as a small puddle. I placed it and Erin, being maybe 40lbs I guess, I’m horrible at guessing and this is now 16 years ago so I am most likely wrong about it, well she walked across the rotten beam just fine. It was then my turn. I got midway across the beam when it snapped and I fell into chest high water. Erin thought it funny so she jumped in with me and we splashed and played a little bit. Our clothes were soaked completely and I didn’t want to go home to get a spanking for getting soaked in the desert. So Erin and I went back to her house, along the way she kicked a cactus and got a couple of the thorns in her shin. I pulled them out, pricking my hands on the other needles of the cactus when I pulled the thing out of her. They weren’t deep, kicking cactus was nothing new to either of us just to be clear. You just wanted to be wearing pants when it happened, not shorts and sandals. I helped Erin back to her house, she didn’t really need ...