1. Just wanted to vent and get my story out

    Date: 11/9/2017, Categories: True Story Non-Erotic, Author: OneDepressedGuy

    I am, depressed but not. A simple logical fallacy, either I am or I am not, a two faced coin of the same question that when flipped will result in one of two answers. Either I am or I am not. Call me Joe, I won’t use my real name but I will use the most real experience I have to describe myself. And to put it simply but not simply, I am a failure. Genetically, socially, academically, I have failed in this grand experiment that we have all been trusted in completing. And I do not just feel that I have failed, I know that I have failed. I turn 22 in April, end of April. And I can honestly say that I have let down my parents, my friends, my relatives, and any type of relationship possible. I have failed them all. Tonight, I have realized something, that I suffer from the common cold of the mental illness, depression. Big deal, I know, pretty much everyone in the world has gone through some form of depression in their life and most have fared rather well. And I, I can only say this about myself as I have no idea what others think, do not like being in depression while also loving the fact that I am depressed. I grew up in a shit hole town in the middle of the state of Nevada of the continental states. I am talking backwoods town so backwoods that it isn’t backwoods. The town was little more than a failed mining town turned trucker way station when they took the highway connecting fantastic Las Vegas to the more northern city of Reno Nevada. For the first 7ish years of my life I ...
    ... grew up in a place where the best thing for me to do was walk, walk and walk and walk out into the desert by myself. The natural landscape being dry dirt of the desert, brown for as far as the eye could see, covered in places by knee high, maybe waist high bushes and the odd tree that looked nothing like what we typically think when we imagine a tree. The wild life being lizards, snakes, bugs, grubs, mainly predatory birds, and coyotes; imagine Australia, a land where everything wants to kill you, and there you have Nevada. The people there were odd. They either kept to themselves, or they were disturbingly friendly. Only through the innocence of youth were you able to meet other people, and those relationships never lasted long. It was in Nevada that I lost a lot of my innocence before I was even a decade old. I sucked dicks of other little boys, saw girls naked, played with the naked girls and realized that I liked girls way more than other boys. So at least I don’t have to worry about suddenly figuring out my sexuality. But enough of Nevada, it left its impression on me and I will never forget what I did at such a young age in those nearly lifeless hills. When I was around 8 my family moved us to Texas, Houston area. From there I joined the boy scouts, well actually I was in the cub scouts back in Nevada and finished that up in Texas, but I joined the boy scouts when I was of age. And the troop I joined, Troop 44, was as great of troop as any. It was small, only a few dozen ...