1. Galactic Vendetta character list and story set up.

    Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: Science-Fiction, Body modification, Death, Humiliation Murder, Non-Erotic, Prostitution, Rape Slavery, Author: Hellcat41979

    ... of the ninth combat group. An older design built without elder technology. However she is still one of the most powerful warships that remain of the Heliopolis fleet. The Athena. Heliopolis battleship in the possession of the Tartarus raiders. Due to the security protocols on the ship the raiders couldn't use her for anything but a fixed weapon to protect their stronghold. Even so her presence guarding the entryway into Tartarus makes the fortress insurmountable. Raider ships. Basically small fast ships that are heavily armed they are made up of several types and sizes of modified merchant ships. The Starlight. Spaceliner whose disappearance started the war between the Neos Confederation and Heliopolis. Her Destruction was blamed on Heliopolis but in truth she was shot down by a Confederation destroyer to justify the war and to remove. Robert Bourgeois's opposition to his father's policies. Flyers. Small atmospheric vehicles used for transportation. A sort of flying car. LOCATIONS The various places the story takes place on or around. Heliopolis. One of the larger nations outside of the big three. Consisting of several hundred worlds around the capital planet of Heliopolis. The big three. These are the largest of the space powers. The Neos Confederation. The most tyrannical government in the big three. Has waged war on many of the other nations throughout the centuries they have existed. Recently they have recently conquered the kingdom of Heliopolis. The Crimson Empire. ...
    ... The largest of the big three. Rule by a Emperor and a governing council. The have given refuge to many citizens of Heliopolis. They have entered into a uneasy peace with the Confederation. However the Emperor and many members of the council believe war is coming. For this they have taken in many members of the Heliopolis military. The Alpha Alliance. A republic of aligned worlds. Under a president and a senate. The only one of the big three that is a complete democracy. They also have entered into an uneasy peace with the Confederation but believe war is coming as well. Hendricks. Planet within the Alliance. The planet that Admiral Thomas Stilwell is assigned. Because of this and the many spaceship bone yards on the planet it also serves as the home base of Matthew Morgan It also has a high concentration of Heliopolis refugees. This includes both Sarah and Patrick Morgan. Who came to Hendricks at some point after the fall of Heliopolis and reside in one of the many refugee camps on the planet. Elysium. A agricultural colony world that was part of the Kingdom of Heliopolis. Homeworld of the Morgan family. The entire population was killed in a poison gas attack that rendered the world uninhabitable. All citizens of Elysium have a small tattoo on the back of their hands of three stalks of wheat to signify the colonies agricultural heritage. Orion 3. A planet where one of the final battles in the war between the Confederation and Heliopolis was fought. When the tide of battle had ...