1. Galactic Vendetta character list and story set up.

    Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: Science-Fiction, Body modification, Death, Humiliation Murder, Non-Erotic, Prostitution, Rape Slavery, Author: Hellcat41979

    ... royal family. They also were the ones that killed the entire populations of several worlds within Heliopolis including the destruction of Orion 3. Now they remove any opposition to chancellor Bourgeois within the government of the Confederation and to hunt down all evolutionaries within the borders of the Confederation. Evolutionaries. Individuals with Evolve mental capabilities. This includes telepathy and telekinesis. They are misunderstood and feared. Within the borders of the Confederation they are killed on sight save a select few that aid the Death Squads in hunting their fellow evolutionaries. These evolutionaries are referred to as Judases. The elders. The code name given to an extinct advanced race of aliens. Information on them is limited but it is known they possessed powerful weaponry, defensive technology, and computer systems. Heliopolis was able to incorporate much of this into the super battleship Ajax. Few within Heliopolis knew of the elders and all records were destroyed or hidden during the final weeks of the war. One of the few is Matthew Morgan due to his possession of the file. The File. A data record or designs based on Elder technology. It contains designs for ships, engines, weapons, cloaking devices, and computer systems. It is all that remains of a research program started during the war. It was entrusted to Matthew Morgan after the war. SHIPS Jump Gates. While not a ship or other vehicle they are a major factor in space travel. They are large ...
    ... gateways placed near planets and important sections of space. Ships use them to enter and exit hyperspace and thus move faster throughout the universe. Jump Engines. Larger ships are equipped with them to allow them access to hyperspace without the use of a jumpgate. Do to the energy requirements usually only large ships have them. Ships Equipped with them are classified as independent jump capable. The Independence. A light transport cargo ship assembled from salvaged components from the bone yards on the planet Hendricks. Equipped with newer more powerful engines and other systems. She is also equipped with an variant of a elder cloaking device, powerful stun cannons, and other surprises. The Icarus. A submerged freighter in Tango Lake on the planet Hendricks. She is incapable of flight but is structurally sound and has a fully functioning fusion reactor. She serves as the home base to the the Independence and Matthew Morgan. The Ajax. First of her kind super battleship. Built utilizing elder technology. Possesses the most powerful weapons and shields of any warship developed by humans. Built in secret and hidden during the final weeks of the war. The Achilles the flagship of the Seventh Fleet. She was equipped with early elder/human hybrid weapon systems and shields. The Hermes last surviving Heliopolis carrier. Part of the Seventh Fleet. She Carries three hundred and fifty fighters capable of operating in space and atmosphere environments. The Argos Battle Cruiser flag ship ...