Court Record Chapter Five
Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: True Story Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho
... are right. I will leave when you are ready, Mr. Clem, when you are ready to get rid of me. I will do everything just as you want. But I will not let anyone ever think you were a villain; you weren’t. I don’t want my “innocence”. I am not innocent. No way! You did not kidnap me. I wanted to be with you. I dreamed up at least half of our adventures. I have loved and cherished every moment we have had together. That is the truth and that is what I will tell anyone who asks. Just keep me here as long as you can. I have grown to love the night sounds now. They no longer scare me. I can leave you alone. I will sleep downstairs; I will even sleep in the barn if it makes you feel better. I just want to be here with you as long as I possibly can.” Tears were running freely down her young face when she finished. Clem reached to turn off the TV and light by his chair, and cradling Sarah in his arms as he carried her up the steps. “Just keep me as long as you can.” Kept ringing in his ears. They got ready for bed together, silently. Everything in the bathroom was done together; it was as if they were frightened to be apart, even for a minute; like they might never be together again. The bed was so inviting. It had been such a long day. Clem lay on his side facing the center of the bed. Sarah shut off the light, opened the window completely and got in beside him. She lay very still for a moment facing him. He could hear her quiet sob. He drew her closer. She sobbed again. She wrapped ...
... her arms around his neck. Their legs intertwined at the knees. Her young beautiful face came to his chest. They were together, the world was right for one more night. Her breathing calmed and then went steady. She was asleep. Clem held her nude young beautiful body tightly and let his tears flood to the pillow. Finally, exhaustion over came him as well. NEW UNDERSTANDING Morning came early as it always did at Apple Valley Orchards. Clem awoke first and looked down to see Sarah resting on her back with her beautiful head still on his right arm and her hair streaming up over the pillow they shared. She appeared to be still sleeping soundly. During the night he had turned onto his back at some point, but she remained on her side facing him. She was still cradled tightly against him with her legs together elevated over his. Her arms were relaxed down at her sides. They must have gotten warm during the night the bed covers had been moved down to their waists. He studied her beautiful body in the morning light. What a perfect little human being. There was not one flaw, one thing about her he would change. It was a new day. What new chapter would be written in their story today? Clem let his hand move to her waist and gently downward along her hip. He could not understand why he was doing it. She was asleep; let her have her rest. Then he realized he was driven by a very lonely feeling. She had to leave sometime soon. He could not tolerate wasting a moment of her time here. He needed ...