The Love of a Cousin part 2
Date: 11/4/2017,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: ThePillar
... “Anything.” “Promise me that if you ever change your mind, you’ll tell me. If you decide you can’t do it, you can’t run away and leave your family, tell me. If we’re already long gone and you miss them so much you can no longer bare it, if you ever want to go back, please tell me. I’ll turn myself in and let you go home.” “That will never happen.” “Promise me.” I insisted. She sighed sadly. “I promise.” Over the next month, we made all our plans. We texted and called each other consistently. Hardly an hour went by that we weren’t texting each other, making all the preparations or talking about how scared we were. We were fortunate no one ever read her texts. The month went by too fast. Way too fast. We wanted to tell our families goodbye, but couldn’t. Giving any kind of hint that something was off could change everything. Back at my apartment, everything was packed up and ready to be moved into a truck, everything but the bed. We cuddled on it all evening, and before drifting off to sleep, we made love one last time in the apartment where we had our first time together. The next morning, we got up early. Ray came over almost as early and helped me move the heavy and bulky stuff. When that was finished, he helped us move boxes. When we had most of everything under control, Ray said his goodbye, gave me one last huge, back breaking hug, mussed up Lizzy’s hair, and made to leave. I thanked him for all his help, and for everything. He nodded, then wished us luck and was gone. ...
... An hour later we were loading the last few small boxes into the moving truck, when a familiar minivan pulled up. The van parked and Lizzy’s mom got out and walked up to the truck we were loading. I froze in terror, I blanked. I didn’t know what to do, what to say. How could I possibly explain this? I had to think, and think fast. “What’s all this?” My aunt asked , innocently. I looked at the box I was carrying, then at her, then at the truck, and back at the box. “We’re, umm… Helping my neighbor move. Sort of a last minute emergency. What brings you by?” I asked, trying to stall for time as I tried to think of an exit strategy. “Oh, Lizzy had a bag of clothes and toiletries and stuff all packed and ready for the weekend and forgot it. I found it on the floor last night after you left but figured I’d wait until today to bring it by.” “Ah. I see. Well why don’t I just run that to her real quick, or you could set it down and she can grab in on her way back in after bringing out another box.” “Nah. I can take it to her. I know which apartment number is yours.” Shit! What do I do? If she so much as opens the door to my apartment we’re dead! “Mommy?” I heard. “What are you doing here?” “I swung by to drop off your backpack. You forgot it last night. It’s got all your clothes and things in it.” I turned from my work in the truck to watch the conversation unfold. Lizzy shot a quick glance at me before responding to her mom. “Oh thanks. You can set it on the curb, it’ll be fine.” Her ...