The Love of a Cousin part 2
Date: 11/4/2017,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: ThePillar
... terrified I was too. I wasn’t sure how you’d react. I’m glad you’re not angry. I love you, Kevin, I can’t wait either. But… What are we going to do? If my parents find out… I know what will happen to you if they find out you’re the father. Kevin, I can’t stand the thought of you going to jail because of me! What if I never get to see you again? What if you never get to see or hold our child? What if I never get to hug or kiss you again?” Fresh tears suddenly flooded her eyes and poured down her face. “I’m so scared, Kev Kev! I don’t know what to do, or what’s going to happen! I don’t want to lose you! I don’t know what to do!” She broke down and uncontrollable sobs took over. I climbed up into the bed and pulled her close and held her in my arms and let her cry, whispering words of encouragement. A few minutes later she was sound asleep. I was awake as she slept for a couple of hours. I kept thinking up different scenarios and how I could handle them, but everything always resulted in me getting thrown in prison, which was terrifying, but more so than that was the thought of my beautiful Lizzy having to face all of this alone. I had no answers. I always prided myself in being able to come up with a solution to any problem, but I could find none this time. The answer eluded me. For the first time in my life, I faced a problem I could not solve. The worst part about it all was the idea of being separated from Lizzy. I would never be able to live without her, and it’d be a ...
... million times worse for her, being younger and the one to have to carry and raise the child without her lover. This was going to destroy us, we had to find a solution. Nothing really happened the rest of the day. When she finally woke up, we lay there and cuddled (mostly in silence) for hours. When we did get up, we moped around my apartment, neither hungry or interested in anything. We were so happy just to be together, and the joy of being future parents still made our hearts glad, but there was also an unyielding gloom that hung thick in the air. We went to bed that night without making love but without clothes on. We held each other again, and fell asleep. I was woken this time by a knocking on my front door. Still half asleep, I looked to Lizzy and saw she was still sound asleep. I got up and threw some boxers on and walked to the door. In my early morning fog, I didn’t have the sense to glance out the peephole. I unlocked the door and opened it. “WASSUP?!” Ray beamed. “Can I come in?!” “Well, actually now isn’t a goo-“ I was cut off. “Of course I can! I’m always welcome! I’m ME!” He threw his arms around me in a hug, then let go and walked past me. “So, I was out in the area and thought I’d stop by. Hope you don’t mind. I know it’s kinda early.” “Kinda?” I muttered. He waved it off. “Yeah well, I was out at some chicks house all night. Anyway, I was wondering, since you were in the area, if you wanted to go get some donuts and coffee, sit and chat and shoot the breeze. ...