The Love of a Cousin part 2
Date: 11/4/2017,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: ThePillar
... Ray grinned and nodded. “You go farther back than me, old man! You were a senior when I was entering kindergarten!” He playfully exaggerated. I laughed. “Not even.” I looked at Lizzy “Honestly, I’m only two years older than him, he’s almost as old a man as I am.” “Yet infinitely more wise and attractive!” He looked at Lizzy “I mean really, you can probably admit I’m far more charming than your scrawny cousin?” Lizzy simply grinned and shook her head. “Oh come on, you know it’s true!” He tried coaxing her as he ruffled her hair. I laughed. Lizzy grinned and got an evil look in her eye. “I WILL bite you.” She warned. Ray glanced at me, silently asking if she would. I closed my eyes and nodded honestly. He made an amused face. “Well, how long will you be around for?” He asked me. “We don’t know. A couple more hours at least. We’re on our way to hit up the rides. You’re welcome to join us if Liz is okay with it.” “Nah, I’m cool. I was just heading to check on my buds at the tractor race. I’m their DD tonight. Probably need to get them home.” “Understood. Well hey, it was great seeing ya. We’ll have to hang sometime, bro.” “Agreed!” He gave me another big man hug then looked at Lizzy. “Nice meeting you, kid!” He said as he reached to ruffle her hair again. As his hand was passing in front of her face, she suddenly snapped forward, mouth open and teeth ready to chomp. His hand flung back faster than you could believe and Lizzy JUST missed biting him. His eyes went wide and a grin ...
... slowly twisted his mouth. “Holy shi-“ Lizzy and I busted out laughing. “We tried warning you!” He looked sheepish but smiled all the same as he walked past us, playfully informing me that she was rabid and needed a muzzle. I called after him that I’d catch him later. Lizzy’s hand slid into mine and she plopped her head on my shoulder as we resumed our walk. She was giggling somewhat dumb-foundedly. “I TOLD him I’d bite!” She said. I laughed. “Ray’s a bit of a stubborn moron sometimes, babe, but he’s a good guy. He probably wanted to see if you’d actually do it. Of course, you and I both knew you would.” She laughed and replied with “Yeah.” We walked up to the booth that sold tickets for the rides. Knowing I would technically need two per ride and we had at least four rides we were eye-balling, I ordered about ten tickets. We hit the ferris wheel first, then the hang gliding thing and she agreed that the hang gliding ride was awesome. We rode some of the other fun and unique rides before running out of tickets and exhausting our choices of fun rides. They also had a hill with a large water slide but it was far too chilly for that. I had long since given up my zip up hoodie to my cute cousin and she wore it on top of her other layers, though it was entirely too big for her. After we rode the rides, which took about an hour-ish to get through five of them, what with the long lines and all, we kinda examined the games. I asked her if she wanted to play any of the games and she ...