This Story Is About Cindy 1:1 - 1:2
Date: 10/31/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Robert Shnin, Source:
... what you make it," she told me, and it sounded like a line she had said many times. "Wanna bet? Come take a look at mine," I challenged her. She smirked. "... Alright. let's see what you've brought to the world today." Not going to lie, I was getting a little worried. She was starting to seem a little hippie-ish, but my fears were laid to rest as she looked at my sad waste of paper and ink. "... Oh... that is bad," she said, almost under her breath. "Hey? What happened to 'no one is awful'?" I exclaimed exaggeratedly. She looked me up and down before responding. "Well, it is an expression that I live by, but I guess you're my exception," she decided, something like curiosity in her voice. "... That almost sounded like a compliment," I said with a grin. "I suppose it almost was," she cooed with a flutter of her voice, and she stepped back to her easel. "... I like you," I told her matter-of-factly as I set my own pen and ink back to the paper. "I think we're going to get along. My name is Zack. What's yours?" She looked back at me and her hazel eyes flashed with a bit of gold as she smiled. "Cindy." PART 1 - CHAPTER 2 I had deduced after speaking with Cindy that 'cute' had been much to timid a word to describe her face. She was absolutely stunning. All that night I dreamed about her, and I thought about her the whole weekend. Now, I'm not one of those cheesy bastards that believes in love at first sight, but I do believe in chemical reactions and hormones, and mine were ...
... raging for this girl. We sat together for lunch the whole next week, and hung out in the morning before classes, too. An annoying point did come up in conversation that she didn't date anyone that she hadn't known for at least four months, but I didn't really like anyone else at the time so it seemed like a challenge worth taking on. Not to mention the fact that Cindy was just a cool person to be around, so even if we weren't holding hands and making out between classes, I still enjoyed every moment I spent with her as a friend. It turned out our music tastes overlapped a little bit, and just as I was awed at her artistic prowess, she seemed impressed to learn I had been taking Mui Thai Kickboxing for half a decade. On Friday of that second week, she invited me to come hang out at her place. She was having a small get together with a few of her friends and she wanted me to come, and she told me to bring swim trunks. She had a pool. (YES!) I showed up around four-thirty, already in my bathing suit and a slightly oversized white tee. Her house was about a twenty minute bike ride away, and I didn't have my permit yet, much less a car, so I had pedaled the whole way there. It was a hot September day; summer had been hanging on with a vengeance that year, so I was dripping with sweat by the time I got there. I leaned my bike against its kickstand in the driveway and walked up to the front of the house. I raised my index finger, and it collided with the doorbell. A few moments later a ...