This Story Is About Cindy 1:1 - 1:2
Date: 10/31/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Robert Shnin, Source:
... about everyone cancelled on me last minute so it's just the four of us." I walked up to the edge of the pool and regarded the people within. Cindy beckoned to the younger girl. "This is my sister Claire, and this," she gestured to the boy, who seemed about the same age as Cindy. "Is Reggie." "Ah, are you the man that has come to claim my love from me?" said Reggie. "Ehrm what? No! I mean... huh?" I managed to sputter. I had been fully under the impression that Cindy was single. "Oh stop it Reggie," Cindy said playfully and she shoved him back in the water. "My fair maiden! Why!" cried Reggie dramatically as he let himself float backwards. A certain inflection in his voice caught my attention, and I put two and two together with an internal 'Oh.' "Don't mind Reggie," Cindy told me. "He's my 'Fabulous Protector. Sworn to protect my virginity, even at the expense of his own.' Or something like that," she recited sarcastically. Reggie chuckled. I took off my shirt and hopped into the pool, letting the cool water envelop me for a moment before I broke the surface. "Well," I said as I blinked the water away from my eyes. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm a virgin, too, and refuse to stoop to the level of all those other douche bags at school." Reggie swam up behind Cindy and whispered loudly to her. "Lies! A ploy to win your trust. All men are evillllllllll!" "I don't know," Cindy started. "He might be my exception." A part of me wanted to accept that as proof of mutual ...
... attraction, but I thought she might be just trying to play on the joke she had made the first time we had talked. "No! You must stay away!" cried Reggie dramatically. Cindy grinned. "Well now I'm definitely not," and she pushed away from Reggie and glided towards me. "My lady!" Reggie exclaimed, and he grabbed her foot before she swam out of his reach. Cindy shrieked playfully. Finally, Cindy's sister Claire seemed to warm up to me, and she joined in, grabbing Cindy's other leg and pulling her back. "Eek! Save me!" cried Cindy, and she reached her hand out towards me. I smiled. "I'll save you fair maiden!" I cried, pushing some 'man' into my voice. I pushed away from the wall of the pool and reached out until my hand grasped hers. It was the first time I had really touched her. "I knew it!" called Reggie. "He's come to take you from me!" And thus began the game. I would pull her away from Reggie and Claire, and they would desperately try to steal her back. It was pretty intense, and I struggled to keep my prick in check. Between the lack of skin coverage our bathing suits offered and the physical element of our game, I had explored a lot of Cindy's body... and Reggie's and Claire's for that matter. About twenty minutes into our game, I was facing Cindy with my hands on her hips. Claire had decided to switch sides a minute ago and had been keeping Reggie busy. Reggie broke free from Claire and swam towards us, gripping Cindy around the waist. The three of us were now in the ...