Marianne and Cindy
Date: 10/25/2017, Categories: First Time Lesbian Sex, Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith
... side of the horse. Finally a clock above the door said it was five till four. My mom would be here to pick me up at five. Most computer jobs are quick and easy, but the first time you don't leave yourself extra time you'll run into a problem. I walked over to the pommel horse and swung up and sat down between the pommels. Either the girls had stopped following me and I could rest here and wait till five, or they'd... The door opened and in walked Marianne and Cindy. Actually the two girls were kind of cute, in a twelve year old way. Cindy was about average height for a sixth grader. She was wearing jeans and a yellow t-shirt with Tweety on it. As I looked at her closely for the first time, I noticed that she'd started to fill in all the right places. And her t-shirt pushed forward with breasts the size of half oranges. She actually had a sweet face and I couldn't remember every seeing her without a smile. She had black hair that fell halfway down her back and the beginnings of a black eye. She'd taken an elbow during volleyball in P.E. someone had told me just before the last bell. Marianne was maybe an inch, inch and a half taller. Her copper red hair was a little shorter than Cindy's but not much. She was wearing a Tigger t-shirt that was deformed by the presence of breasts the size of half g****fruits. All of a sudden, I wasn't sure why I'd been running from these girls. They didn't have the bodies of the cheerleaders I'd watched practicing this morning, but they had a ...
... good start. "So you finally stopped running?" Marianne asked with a smile. "Have you ever heard the old saying `Chasing him until he caught you.'?" I smiled back at the two girls. "You caught us?" "I'm alone, in a deserted gym, with the two most beautiful girls in the sixth grade. That sounds like a pretty good catch to me." "The two most beautiful girls in the sixth grade?" Marianne asked. "Number one and number two. But I'll never tell which is which." Both girls stood up a little taller and without thinking about it, pushed their chests out a little more. "Now, you say you girls are in love with me?" "Yes. Madly, passionately. We love you." Marianne said, with Cindy chiming in on the last two words. "Are you ready to prove your love?" "Of Course." They both answered. "To start with, you both look hot after all that running. Take off your shirts." Now I'd done it. They were both going to run out of here screaming and I'd probably be arrested as a pervert in front of my mother when she came to pick me up. I closed my eyes and waited for the first scream. But I didn't hear anything. So I opened my eyes. Marianne had her shirt halfway off, I could just see the bottom of her blue sports bra. As I watched, more and more was exposed until she was holding her shirt over her triumphantly. With a quick look at her friend, Cindy had started to pull her t-shirt up and I watched as her white traditional bra was exposed to the world. "There. Does that prove we love you?" Marianne asked. ...