Marianne and Cindy
Date: 10/25/2017, Categories: First Time Lesbian Sex, Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith
When I was in the sixth grade I liked Girls, but I didn't like girls. What I mean is, I would spend hours watching the high school cheerleaders or looking at the girls in Playboy and drooling. But the girls in my school didn't do a thing for me. Most were too annoying to be interesting. But then Marianne got interested in me. Marianne and Cindy were almost inseparable. They went everywhere together. They had the same classes, traded clothes, the whole nine yards. Marianne was defiantly the leader of the pair. If we'd been a little bit older or more aware of sex, there probably would have been a ton of jokes about them being lovers. It was March, we'd just come back from Spring vacation when Marianne decided that she liked me. For three days, the two girls followed me around between classes and tried to sit with me at lunch. My friends had already started with the jokes about my `girlfriends'. The old rhyme; Peter and Marianne sitting in a tree, k*i*s*s*i*n*g. First comes love, then comes marriage, Then comes Cindy in a baby carriage. was really annoying. Especially after forty or fifty times. It was Friday afternoon and school was over. I'd stayed late to do a favor for my math teacher. She wanted me to install a cd-rw in an empty bay in her computer. It took about twenty minutes to get it in, the computer back together, and everything tested. I waved goodbye to my teacher, walked out of the classroom, and stopped dead. Marianne and Cindy were leaning against the wall ...
... across the hall. "Hi, Peter. We've been waiting for you. We figured we could be alone" "Why would I want to be alone with you. I don't even like you." "Sure you do. And we love you." Marianne did all the talking but Cindy was nodding her head. "Would you just leave me alone?" I said and started walking away. "We can't. We love you." Marianne said and started following me. I started walking faster, and they started walking faster. Finally I started running and they started running. I ran through the halls, I was going to go into the boys locker room where they couldn't follow. I ran through the door and stopped, trying to catch my breath. These girls were nuts. I didn't realize how nuts because a second later they ran into the locker room. "You can't be in here." I yelled. "Really." Marianne answered with a smile. I turned and ran up the back stairs. I pushed out the door and I was in the balcony. It was a small auxiliary gym that overlooked the main gym floor. Unfortunately there were only two entrances. The locker room door that I'd just come out of. And the door to the stairs to the main gym. If was unfortunate because that one was chained shut. I looked around. There was no place to hide, and I really didn't want to hide, they were just girls. Annoying as Hell, but just girls. There was a rolled out wrestling mat in the middle of the room and a couple of rolled up mats against one wall. There was an old pommel horse next to the far door and a stack of soft mats just off to one ...