Bad... No Horrible Teacher
Date: 10/16/2017, Categories: Fiction Anal Blackmail, Cheating Coercion Hardcore Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Author: shyguy45
... ever cum on my face. I wanted to keep it that way but it was just easier to give in. Lenny pulled out and stroked his cock over my face. I was humiliated then he started to spew his cum. The first spurts hit me in the face, my eye of course, and then I tried to dodge. That only resulted in getting cum in my hair. It was absolutely disgusting. After that Lenny zipped up and made his way towards the door. As he was making his exit he looked back at Rick and said "You have two weeks to get the money." I really just blew a guy for two weeks of rent I asked myself. I truly felt like the biggest whore in the world. "Two weeks really!? How are we going to get the money in two weeks you stupid fuck!?" I screamed at Rick after Lenny left the apartment. "You're upset babe. I'll fill you in when you cool off" He said calmly. "You don't have it do you? I did that for nothing." I said as I began to cry. "No I swear we can get it, but you need to cool off first." He tried to reassure me but I was skeptical, and rightfully so. That night I took an hour long shower and cried the entire time. Rick was already lying in bed when I got out of the shower and I reluctantly decided to join him. Although I didn't want to be anywhere near him, I was still drawn to him. The next morning I awoke first and waited for Rick to wake up and tell me his plan. I really wanted to wake him up and have him tell me what he had in mind right away but something told me that I wouldn't exactly want to hear what he ...
... had to say. Part of me wanted to pack my shit and leave him, but he was the only man I'd ever loved and was too weak to just leave him there. Besides if I did that than the previous night would have been for nothing and I wasn't prepared to deal with that. Rick finally woke up at about 10:00 AM and I confronted him because I desperately needed to know how we were going to pay our past due rent and stay in the apartment. "Rick. What's up." I asked "Good morning." He said nervously "Okay tell me how we're going to make this right." "Well no one will ever know about last night. I'm sorry, but we just needed it." he explained "No you need to tell me how we're going to get the money. You do have it don't you?" I was beginning to get annoyed. "Well about that... No I don't have it. But we can get it I swear." he hurried. "Just tell me Rick, why are you avoiding it so much." I demanded "I've had this in the works for a while now. I just didn't know how to bring it up. I told Lenny about it last night to show him that we could actually pay, and that's what gave him the idea.." He babbled "Oh god! What have you been up to?" I asked sorrowfully. "Well... I know this girl, she made a lot of money, and in one day too." He said hesitantly. "But it was sort of similar to last night..." "What the fuck are you talking about!? You said it would only be the one time! What the fuck Rick!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Sarah take it easy, I'm talking about a porn shoot. There I said it. We ...